The Wolf and the Lamb

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Book: The Wolf and the Lamb by Frederick Ramsay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frederick Ramsay
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nodded and stood. He glanced around the room as if trying to locate something or someone and then stood.
    “Prefect,” he said, “I will leave you now. Loukas and I must discuss what we have found and you will not be privy to the content of that conversation.”
    “I insist that I hear it.”
    “Sorry, not now, later perhaps. Young Marius, lead the way. Loukas and I need fresh air, and light, and time to think through what we’ve learned so far. I will need to speak to the Centurion, Priscus. Will you find him for me, please?”

Chapter XI
    Gamaliel paid close attention to the route Marius took when they exited the dank lower reaches of the Antonia Fortress. He wanted to be sure that if he had to, he could extricate himself from its twists and turns without the boy’s assistance.
    “Where are we headed?” Loukas asked once they reached daylight.
    “Some place where the possibility of being overheard by one or the other of the Roman’s agents is limited.”
    “Whose Roman agents, Cassia’s, Pilate’s, or the mysterious Tribune and his legionnaires’?”
    “Since we do not know the extent of any of their involvement, except for Pilate, all of them. We will go to the Temple. They dare not pass beyond the Court of the Gentiles. That includes Marius.”
    “You don’t trust the boy?”
    “Would you?” He pivoted in place and addressed the boy. “Marius, should I trust you to keep the things we discuss from the Prefect?”
    The boy’s gaze slid sideways. “Sir?”
    “As I thought. To the Temple, Loukas, we have much to discuss.”
    Herod’s Temple loomed against the skyline just south of the Fortress. Its sheer size nearly blocked the late afternoon sun and cast shadows halfway across the vast court that stretched between it and the Fortress. When they entered its inner courtyards, the boy became agitated.
    “Stay here, boy,” Gamaliel said. “This area is known as the Treasury. Don’t look so hopeful, there is not much in the way of treasure, as you understand the word, but there is shade and if you behave yourself, one of the kohen might offer you a drink. The Physician and I will be over there.” He pointed in the general direction of the Temple proper and walked away through the Court of the Women and through the Nicanor Gate. Once within the Court of the Israelites, he turned and faced Loukas.
    “Tell me what you discovered from the dead man.”
    “Not much that you hadn’t already been told. The killing was very efficiently done, a single dagger stroke directed downward and straight into the heart. Whoever wielded that knife knew exactly what he was doing.”
    “Someone trained as a soldier?”
    “Yes, more than likely, or as a Physician.”
    “Which would include nearly any and all of the people currently in residence in the Fortress, including Pilate. I assume you are not putting yourself forward as a suspect.”
    “I am not. As to the rest, yes, except for the women.”
    “Not a woman? You’re sure of that?” Loukas nodded his head. “That is not much help. Could it have been a suicide?”
    “That is very unlikely. The dagger was, as I said, thrust downward from above. You cannot fall on your dagger positioned that way unless you begin by standing on your head. Ramming it home on your own would be both difficult and require a level of determination beyond most men. Were you seriously thinking suicide?”
    “No, but if it were a possibility, it casts doubt on an absolute verdict of murder, you see?”
    “I am afraid I don’t.”
    “Roman law and, if I remember correctly, as ours, requires that a judgment of guilt in a crime of this seriousness must be based on evidence that meets the standard of clarity that allows no doubt. If I could make Pilate’s accusers admit the man might have killed himself, that is, create even a sliver of doubt, they would have to dismiss the charge.”
    “You are planning a legal defense on the basis of non liquet ?”
    “If what you just said

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