The Warlord Forever
has never seen. Something that will change humanity for the better.”
    “The young lad is a dreamer.” Ian’s green eyes flashed as he smiled. “Immortality might not be wasted on you.”
    “Are we really discussing this?” She was appalled.
    She didn’t want to think about what it would mean if Ian could gift a person with immortality. What if he didn’t want to give it to her? Why did it matter?
    “Haven’t you thought about what you would do?” Evan wondered.
    Kenna shook her head. “I wouldn’t want it. People aren’t supposed to live forever.” She thought of the sadness she’d seen in Ian’s eyes. The loneliness he must have felt to make him hide away in a tomb. “I think it would be a fate far worse than death.”


    I think it would be a fate far worse than death .
    Ian couldn’t get those words out of his head. The one thing he wanted in his endless life was a woman to share it with, a woman he could love and who would love him. The first woman he’d offered immortality to had refused it, had refused him, and eventually Kenna would do the same.
    He couldn’t blame her. It wasn’t any easy choice to make. He’d been given no choice, and didn’t know how he’d have chosen if he had.
    Kenna had done more than awaken him from Illora’s spell. She’d awakened his soul. He wanted to live. He liked the world he’d ended up in and he wanted to stay in it. Kenna would be the perfect companion for him; a woman with the right blend of independence and femininity. Her beauty was something that should live on forever.
    But how would he convince her to stay with him? If he made love to her in an attempt to change her mind, there was a possibility he would fail. He’d be left to wander the Earth alone while she died, never to be held in his arms again.
    Gads, the Fates were a bitch.
    But it was the only way. If he could make her love him, she might never want to let him go. She’d beg him to make her immortal, to keep her with him, and so he would.
    Was it selfish to do this to her?
    To keep her forever?
    Only if she didn’t truly love him.
    It was time to find out if she felt anything for him at all.
    He made his way upstairs, passed the room he’d been given, and came to a stop outside Kenna’s closed door. She’d left he and Evan in the study a short time ago to retire for the evening. He knew she must be preparing herself for bed. What sheer scrap of silk would she be wearing tonight?
    He was instantly hard at the thought of her womanly body, all those curves, soft skin and long hair. Every time he touched her, he got closer to having her. She’d been trying to keep him at a distance from the moment she found him in her kitchen, but he intended to keep closing that distance until there was nothing left to keep them apart.
    Ian politely knocked on her door, rather than throwing it wide like he wanted to. He heard her mumbling something as she opened the door.
    “Evan, I seriously think you should—” She stopped short as she saw him standing there, confusion and hesitation flickering in her eyes. “Ian” She breathed. “Do you need something?”
    He let his gaze roam over the black silk nightdress hugging every curve of her body. The front dipped low, exposing the V between her breasts. His mouth watered, wanting to fully taste every part of this amazing woman.
    “I need you , lass,” he stated. “Will you no’ let me in?”
    What would he do if she refused him? He was in need of a woman’s comfort. Of her comfort.
    “You need me for what?” A taunting smile curved her lips.
    The woman dared to toy with him at a time like this? He stalked up to her, forcing her into the room, and slammed the door closed behind him.
    She staggered back, until she ran into the bed and collapsed down on it. It was the first time he’d seen her room, and he only noticed what he could see from his peripheral vision. The large canopied bed, dark, heavy furniture, a sitting area and patio doors,

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