The Wages of Sin (Blood Brothers Vampire Series Book Two)
like big, hard,
tight, wet, and so forth. ‘I want to put
your such-and-such in my such-and-such.’
    The blonde-haired chap, who must
have been the honorable Douglas Thor, was resting his hand against
the side of the house near the older girl’s head and talking in a
way that had her equally mesmerized and horny. It was possible he
was also using words like big, hard,
tight, and wet, but she looked like a college
girl rather than a high school one, so it was more likely he was
talking about money and/or the federal government, or possibly
dying African children.
    The other two—the serious guy and the black
girl—didn’t look as eager to rub their privates together as
everybody else. In fact they both looked downright uncomfortable
and tried to console each other as the others danced and flirted in
the front yard. Whatever might have been bothering them, it was
none of Horace’s business. He was just here to kill Thor. Once that
was done, he could be on his way.
    When they entered the house, they locked the door
behind them. It took a few minutes for Horace to find an
out-of-the-way window to smash open and climb through.
    “You two ought to loosen up,” Loki said to Jonathan
and Jewel. “Get your fuck on. We won’t peak.”
    “Yeah!” shouted Vivienne, who was drunk enough she
didn’t understand anything going on around her. All she knew was
there was loud music and she was dancing with a hot guy in
somebody’s house.
    “Here you go. Like high school, right?” said Loki,
pushing the couple into a closet and shutting the door.
    “Seven minutes in heaven!” said Vivienne. This is
the name of a game teens and preteens play where girls give orgasms
to boys whose names they don’t know without feeling like sluts.
    Thor and Bev were dancing a quiet and understated
dance in some corner of the room, looking much older and more
mature than Loki and Vivienne since Bev was older and less
    “You are so right,” Bev said about some point Thor
had been making.
    “They’re the enemies of progress,” said Thor. “Every
important milestone in this nation’s history, the GOP has stood in
the way and held us back.”
    Bev brought up something about animal rights and
Thor agreed that people shouldn’t wear leather or whatever the fuck
she was on about. This was standard conversation for seducing a
college girl. It probably wouldn’t have felt so tedious if he
wasn’t so preoccupied with getting out of town.
    “I want to suck your dick!” Vivienne shouted from
across the room, louder than anyone ought to shout that particular
sentence. What had happened was she had begun talking just as a
rather loud song finished playing. Everyone looked at her and she
blushed slightly, too intoxicated to be properly embarrassed.
    “God, just take her somewhere and do whatever you’re
gonna do. I don’t wanna know,” said Beverly to Loki. He complied,
and within a few seconds he and Vivienne had vanished down a
    Thor and Bev danced quietly for a minute before Thor
said, in a very ‘college boy’ sort of way, “My brother’s totally
getting a BJ from your sister right now.”
    Bev laughed, pressing her forehead into Thor’s
shoulder. “I know. God. I’m so embarrassed.”
    “It’s fine. It’s good. They’re having fun.”
    “ Are you having fun?”
    “What was that pause?”
    “What are you, jealous?”
    “You’re totally jealous!”
    “Eh… little bit.”
    Thor gave her that boyish teen heartthrob grin and
she laughed and kissed him. It wasn’t their first kiss of the
night, but it was the first one that included unzipping his
    He kissed her neck and felt the warmth of the blood
beneath the skin.
    It took a long time for Horace to find his way
through the house. He could tell there was music playing a few
rooms away and he assumed that was where everybody was, but he
didn’t want to make the mistake of rushing in and

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