The Unseen Trilogy

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Book: The Unseen Trilogy by Stephanie Erickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Erickson
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“Well, this is the sitting room. It’s where we all sort of gather to relax or watch movies and TV.”
    I nodded to a few people who were smiling encouragingly at me as we walked to a set of double doors across the room.
    “Through here is the kitchen.”
    It was huge and state of the art. Stainless steel covered every appliance, the countertops were granite, dark wood cabinets lined three of the walls, and an island divided the food prep area from the eating area. Two long tables with seating for about twenty helped me envision fun, noisy meals here. After spending so many meals alone, even when I was a kid, it was hard to imagine myself at the table.
    “Yeah, it can get loud if we all eat at the same time. But it’s rare for every seat to be full, if that helps.”
    I nodded, and he led me through a second set of double doors at the back of the kitchen. This room was smaller and narrower than the previous two. All four walls were lined with books. A small table with a lamp was at its center, and there were plush chairs scattered around.
    “This is our library, obviously. There are a few here who like to read, and a few others who like to study and try to learn more about the science behind mind reading, things like that.”
    “Science behind mind reading? I thought the general belief was that mind reading is science fiction, not science,” I said as I gazed up at the floor-to-ceiling shelves. There was everything from Dante’s Inferno to What Every Body is Saying by some guy I’d never heard of. I had to stop myself from reaching for that title, wondering how much truth there was in it.
    “That one’s good. I wonder if he actually is a mind reader, to be able to read so much into body language and what people are communicating without actually saying.”
    I nodded, making a mental note to buy the book.
    “You could just read it here.”
    I looked at him blankly. He expected me to come back, like over and over again. At least enough times to read a book.
    “Right. Let’s move on.” He led me through another set of doors that opened to a room just as narrow as the library, but a little longer.
    “This is our game room. Mostly the guys hang out in here, but we have one or two gamer girls who like to join us.”
    They had everything—Ping-Pong, pool, and at the end of the room, a huge television with several of the latest gaming systems connected to it.
    I whistled. “Man. You guys don’t spare any expense here, do you? How do you afford all this?”
    “Our benefactor is very generous.” He held the next set of double doors open for me, which led us back to the sitting room. We’d made a giant square, as far as I could tell.
    “Whatever that means.”
    Mitchell made eye contact with Owen from across the room, nodded, and got up to leave.
    “What’s his deal?” I asked, wanting to know more about my rescuer.
    Owen didn’t answer right away. I wasn’t sure if he was hesitating because he didn’t want to betray his friend’s confidence, or if he truly didn’t know. “Mitchell is complicated. His journey to the Unseen left him a bit broken. Someday, he might share his story with you. But it should come from him, not me or anyone else.”
    “You two must be close if you’re privy to that information.”
    “Well, we’re all friends, but yes, I suppose Mitchell and I are closer. He and I joined the Unseen around the same time a while ago. He’s the closest thing to a brother I have left.” We started walking back to the stairwell.
    "He joined the Unseen before I did, but only by a few weeks. My road here was… rocky to say the least. Mitchell took me in, showed me the ropes, and really helped me feel at home. And it had been a long time since I’d felt that way anywhere.” He looked wistfully in the direction his friend went, and I wondered just how deep his ties to the Unseen were.
    I waited for him to elaborate, but he moved on. “At any rate, lucky for me, it turned out Mitchell is a

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