The Unknown Man: Book 1 in The Keepers of the Orbs Series

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Book: The Unknown Man: Book 1 in The Keepers of the Orbs Series by J.G. Gatewood Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.G. Gatewood
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thought we were safe.” His deep red eyes turned to focus on Eldrin. He hated the way an Elf could look at you and almost belittle you without even uttering a word. All because he was a Human, which many viewed as below Elves. “He followed me, and that wasn’t in the plan. He’s the one man who could destroy what we’re building. You don’t know how powerful he’s, and with that sword in his hands, he will be a menace.” He let his eyes drift from the Elf. “The people of Askabar have become too complacent. Most people believe in false gods, if they even believe in a god at all.” He turned back to face Eldrin. “There is too much fighting between the different races. It’s time everyone united and knelt before the true God of Nithor. When my plans are complete and everything has been carried out, all will recognize Martul as the true God and ruler of the planet.” A grin crossed his face. “And we’ll be there to rule at his side. It’s time to summon the brothers.”
    Lutheras walked over to the altar. He pulled out a dagger and ran the blade across his palm. Drops of blood dripped and landed on the altar. When a small puddle accumulated, he muttered words in another language. One by one, drops of blood flew up into the air. They floated, spiraling around the altar. When all of the blood collected, the drops moved to the center where they collected into a sphere. The light rotated, emanating from within the sphere. The light started to consume the blood, then rose higher into the air and exploded as white light traveled in nineteen different directions.
    Lutheras wiped his dagger on his cloak to clean the blood off. “It’s done!” He looked toward the Elf before he said, “Now we wait.”
    A glowing door appeared on the outskirts of the room. Through it a very tall and slender, cloaked figure strode out. He walked toward the altar and nodded at the pair. He took his place as three more doors filled the cathedral, and more cloaked figures entered the room. They acknowledged each other while more and more doors appeared. When all the gateways closed, nineteen people had joined Lutheras and Eldrin.
    Lutheras strode to the middle of them and said, “Brothers, I thank you for coming on such short notice.” He eyed each of them before continuing, “Relax, you’re all safe. Feel free to lose the hoods. We expect no trouble here.”
    One-by-one, the figures removed their hoods, revealing their faces. Of the nineteen newcomers, twelve were Elves and seven were Humans. The Elves all appeared to be young, displaying the same smooth features as Eldrin. The Humans were all much older, close to the end of their lives. Most of them had gray hair with long gray beards to match. Lutheras pulled back his cloak to reveal his face; a Human, but one who appeared young himself, fitting right in with the Elves who were spaced throughout the room. His face looked smooth and he had cropped black hair. He had a black goatee and very pale skin. He looked a little too thin for a man of his age, but the goatee hid his hollow features well.
    He addressed the crowd. “As you all should know by now, I came here to escape the oppression I was subjected to for many years. I was born the heir, but it was stolen from me. Stolen by those who were closest to me. I came here and asked you to join me, to correct what has been done.”  He paused. “But I’ve just been informed that I’ve been followed. He arrived in Havenbrook and will be departing soon. He must be stopped.” He looked at each of the members. “Your efforts thus far have proven to be fruitful. We have many allies, and our force is growing by the day. With your help, I will reclaim what is mine. As a payment for your service, you will be rewarded with unimaginable power. Eldrin suggested we find this man and have him followed.” Various nods of agreement filled the room. “I see some of you agree with this, however, he’s too aware of his surroundings for

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