The Unexpected Everything

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Book: The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgan Matson
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years ago, first by my parents and then by Peter—but that didn’t mean I needed to be overly polite to a guy who couldn’t even keep hold of his pet. Also, I had something I had to do.
    The guy straightened up and smiled at me. “Thanks,” he said.
    I took an involuntary step backward. For some reason, seeing him from a distance, I’d assumed he was older than me—in his twenties, maybe. But this guy looked around my age. He wasonly an inch or two taller than me, which meant he was probably around five ten, and thin, but with broad shoulders. He had dark brown hair that was cut short and neatly combed and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a black shirt that read THE DROID YOU’RE LOOKING FOR in yellow capital letters, which rang a vague bell, but nothing I could place. I could see that he had two deep dimples, like parentheses around his smile. They were incredibly distracting, and I made myself look away immediately. He was wearing glasses with frames that were straighter on top and then became rounded, and his smile widened when I met his eyes.
    â€œSure,” I said as I took another step away.
    â€œI—um, I really am sorry,” he said, looking down at the dog. It seemed like he’d gotten his breath back now. “I’m not sure what happened, but the leash got away from me.” He shrugged and went to put his hands in his pockets, and it wasn’t until Bertie’s head got yanked up that he seemed to remember he had a leash in one of them. I saw that his cheeks, and the tips of his ears, were starting to turn red. “Um.” He cleared his throat, his voice getting softer with every word. “I’m not great with dogs.”
    I was about to say something to this—like, what kind of excuse was that? He clearly owned a dog—when I decided to let it go. “It’s fine,” I said, giving him a quick smile before I turned back to Dr. Rizzoli’s house. I had taken a few steps toward it when I realized that all the dog drama had taken place in pretty clear view of the front windows. Had Dr. Rizzoli seen what had happened?
    The dog lunged toward me, and I heard the guy say, “Bert!” as he pulled him back, and then the soft sound of disappointed dog whimpering. But I was only half paying attention to this.My eyes were scanning the front of Dr. Rizzoli’s house, my hopes starting to nose-dive. All the curtains were drawn. There were no lights on that I could see, no cars in the driveway, and most telling of all, there was a layer of green summer leaves covering the front steps. Either Dr. Rizzoli was out of town, or he hadn’t left the house in a while. Why had I just assumed that he would be here, waiting for me, willing to correct the mistake and let me go to my program after all?
    I stared at the house, telling myself that I could still do this, that this wasn’t over yet. I could get his number and call him and get him to change his mind . . . but even as I was forming this plan, I knew it wasn’t going to work. All the adrenaline and righteous anger that had gotten me here was fading, and I was left with the reality of the situation: Dr. Rizzoli had e-mailed Johns Hopkins and gotten me pulled from the program. He’d meant to do that, and he wasn’t about to undo it because I asked him nicely.
    Feeling like I was about to cry—something I very rarely did, usually only at movies—I turned around and started walking across the street, back to my car, crossing my arms over my chest.
    â€œUh—so, see you around?” the guy called after me, and I could hear the nervous, hopeful note in his voice. Under other circumstances, I probably would have responded to this. He was really cute, after all, even if he had no idea how to walk a dog. But not today. Not with everything that had been my life currently in pieces at my feet.
    â€œProbably not,” I said, keeping my eyes fixed straight

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