The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales)

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Book: The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derrolyn Anderson
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Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”
    “No horses here… But isn’t that, drag me away?”

    C hapter S ix
    “No. Absolutely not.” Doctor Permala was adamant.
    “If he feels up to it, I don’t see the problem. We’ll be careful . ” I waved my hand dismissively. She was micro-managing every little detail about my father, and it was really starting to get on my nerves
    The doctor had walked in and gasped with horror to see me helping my father as he struggled to get up from his hospital bed. Ethan was on the way over for dinner, and dad proudly insisted that he be seated at the table, not lying down like an invalid.
    Amrita Permala pulled herself up to her full height, and addressed my father with fiery eyes , “Professor Vanderpool, if I’m going to be working with you, I insist that you follow my instructions to the letter!”
    He looked startled, but then nodded a bit sheepishly. He lay back down with a sigh of relief.
    “I don’t really see how sitting in a chair is going to interfere with his recovery!” I protested.
    “Marina,” my father stopped me with his hand on my arm, “She’s right… It’s just my foolish vanity.”
    Doctor Permala looked relieved, rushing to his side to reposition his arm. She met my eyes, “His diet has been arranged in advance. Evelyn’s chef is preparing him special Ayvedric meals that will cleanse his body of toxins and facilitate the healing process.”
    Great, I thought. If it involved some kind of non-western medical theory it figured that Evie had a hand in it. She never met an alternative therapy she didn’t like.
    “I was going to order Thai from our favorite place.”
    Dad looked thoughtful, “I’ve always wanted to know more about traditional Indian medicine. Might as well give it a chance.”
    I rolled my eyes and snorted with frustration. I had been waiting a whole year for my father to meet Ethan, and now this officious doctor was dictating what we could have for dinner! There was a knock on the door and I opened it to find Paul, blocking the path of an aggravated looking Ethan.
    “Were you expecting him?” he asked, pointing his thumb backwards.
    “Yes! Didn’t Boris tell you?” I squeezed past him to throw my arms around Ethan. He hugged me back and I clung to him with relief. When I looked up Paul was gone.
    “Come on,” I took his hand and led him inside. I could feel how nervous he was as we approached my father. Dad had raised his bed to its highest position, and sat as far up as he could.
    “Dad, this is Ethan,” I said with a smile.
    Ethan offered his hand, and my dad struggled to lift his right arm to no avail. Realizing his mistake, Ethan switched to his left, looking mortified.
    My father shook Ethan’s hand with grave dignity, “I understand I owe you a debt of gratitude. Marina tells me you’ve been a great help to her through all of the… over the past year.”
    “I did what I could,” he said earnestly, adding, “I’d do anything for her.”
    My father regarded him for a moment, and then smiled wryly, “So, your father is my new brother in law? And your sister is my new baby niece?”
    Ethan actually blushed, stammering, “Ye-yes. I was there yesterday, and they’re looking forward to visiting when you’re feeling up to it.”
    Dad laughed, running his good hand through his hair, “A whole lot can change in one year.”
    Ethan and I exchanged a glance.
    “Dad,” I said, “We have some news.”
    Ethan squeezed my hand, turning towards me, “Can you give us a minute alone?” I was a little surprised he didn’t want me there, and I looked back and forth between the two of them. They seemed to be waiting for me to go.
    “I’ll be in my old studio,” I said.
    I walked into the rehab room, looking over all of the fancy new equipment again . The two most important men in my life had finally met , and I was nervous about leaving them alone together . Ethan

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