The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6)

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Book: The Tracker's Quest: (Forced To Serve #6) by Donna McDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna McDonald
Tags: Fantasy, paranormal romance, science fiction romance
pretended to care. When he left our planet for work on Ethos, I foolishly followed. I knew he was angry I had remained barren. He told the suzerain my children were supposed to be gifted. He told him my adama’s curse on our mating kept him from giving me one,” Ineid complained.
    “Your adama ?” Seta asked.
    “No. If you will not promise to kill me, I will tell you no more,” Ineid declared.
    Seta watched as she rolled to her side and turned her back to the room. The female’s paleness was alarming. Obviously the stimulant’s effects had run out.
    “Try to stay alive while I’m gone, Ineid. I will be back. And I swear I will try to help you,” she said, walking to the door. She sighed when she heard another harsh laugh in response to her promise.
    “Be warned, oh too compassionate child of the wicked Trax. Chief Arghane is bidding against the Siren for rights to you. He has pledged all the wealth he has earned up to now. I heard the medics whispering about it in the halls. Maybe when that twisted Ethosian forces you to kill him, you will indeed come back and use your dark skills on me.”
    Seta sighed. “Thank you for all the warnings, but nothing changes what I have to do. May you be at peace until we meet again.”
    The news about Arghane didn’t surprise Seta. Like the news of her father’s deception, it only depressed her. Maybe Ji was right. Maybe agreeing to her father’s quest and coming back to Ethos had been a foolish thing to do. Certainly she and Ji should just escape, but even fleeting hope would prevent her from doing so. In addition to the rest of her female family, now there were two other innocent beings—a mother and child—whose fates would haunt her for life if she didn’t at least try to change their situation.
    Zorinda’s power swirled in her midsection letting her know the demon was aware of her churning thoughts. But there was no comfort in alien strength at the moment. No being, no matter how powerful, could change a culture and society with brute force. Sadly, Ethos was just one of many primitive planets based on similar principles of individuals as commodities.
    The Peace Alliance involved themselves in the cultures of planets which offered them something valuable in return. But Ethos? Ethos and its endless deserts were not going to be going into the valuable category any time soon. Help from the Peace Alliance was improbable. Suzerain Trax would continue to rule over the lives of his followers, including those he created.
    So where did that leave her? She was beginning to suspect her plan of avenging Rena’s death was no more than a half-hearted dream. Seta pushed away her epiphany as she exited into the hall.
    “What did she say?” Arghane demanded.
    Seta shook her head. “Nothing of any value. The suzerain’s interactions with her have warped her mind. Hate for him rules her entire being.”
    “She will adjust in time. All do,” Arghane said with a shrug.
    “Ineid is starving herself,” Seta said sharply. “She refused to tell me anything because I refused to shoot her. Did it ever occur to you that females have sensibilities and feelings just like males?”
    “You speak foolishly. We all belong to Suzerain Trax—even you,” Arghane said, glaring at Seta despite the Siren’s frown at his words.
    Seta snorted. “You are wrong, Arghane. No one owns anyone else. That is against nature. One day you will see it for the truth—and so will the other males on Ethos.”
    “How am I supposed to believe the independence of a female destined to be mated to one of the most possessive species ever found in recorded literature?” Arghane declared. “Your guardian here would kill any male he saw as competition. Obviously he has not told you how bloodthirsty his kind are.”
    “See? That’s exactly the proof you are wrong, Chief Arghane. If such a condition were true, you’d already be dead. Apparently the word has spread you are competing for me. Give it up while you can

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