CONTRIBUTE MY AFFECTIONATE testimony to the fidelity and sterling worth of the late pastor John Harper. I knew him for over twenty years, and during all that period we were in the closest fellowship with each other, in seeking the sanctification of the saints of God and the salvation of perishing souls. During my long experience in Christian work, I have been in touch with the cream of the Lord’s dear workmen, and without reserve, I can say that no pastor, nor teacher, nor evangelist ever moved my inner being more than the pleading and preaching of Pastor John Harper did, as he was always on fire for God and souls.
John Welch, in the corner of the glebe (meadow), at the midnight hour, said, “Oh God, give me Scotland, or I die,” and how often I have heard Pastor Harper say, when lying on his face before God, covered with perspiration, “Oh God, give me souls, or I die.” Then he would sob and weep as if his heart would break. Can we wonder that God gave him souls for Christ in hundreds?
Our beloved brother was a deep student of the precious Word of God—he believed it was God-breathed from Genesis to Revelation, and he preached it with a clear vision. I have often seen his after-meetings in Paisley Road Baptist Church, more like a battlefield than anything else; saints sobbing on account of their unlikeness to Christ, and poor lost sinners crying out for salvation.
What glorious triumphs of grace were won through his Holy Ghost ministry in that part of the city! Wherever he went, whether in public or in private, he carried with him the holy fragrance of his Lord. I often felt, after being with him in the gospel or at our Royal Lord’s Court, that he was fast ripening for high service. He lived next door to heaven; hence, his soul was constantly inhaling heaven’s atmosphere.
The blessing of soul our brother enjoyed saved him from every vestige of sectarianism, so that he preached in perfect harmony with all the other sections of the Christian church. He had learned through grace that the church and the work of the church are one, and he was ready to lend a helping hand to any brother minister who desired his services.
Many of us wondered how he lived under the tremendous strain, occasioned by the amount of preaching he went through, and the nights he spent in prayer, which seemed enough to kill the strongest of men, but on he went like an express train, determined to reach its destination without hindrance; his eyes steadily fixed upon his crucified, buried, risen, ascended, pleading, and coming Lord. All the powers of hell could not move him from his soul’s center.
Now the brave soldier’s precious form lies beneath the ocean waves, and his blood-washed spirit is present with the Lord in yon land of light and glory, the homeland of all who love and serve the Christ of God.
Farewell, beloved soldier. We shall meet you in the morning without a cloud.
Photo of John Paton
Tribute by Mr. John Paton
of Carmyle, Glasgow, Scotland
Some of us can well imagine him
in these last awful minutes
on board the doomed Titanic,
standing amidst a group of stricken,
repentant souls point them to the
Savior he had loved and served so well,
helping them to seize their
eleventh-hour opportunity.
I AM THANKFUL TO HAVE the opportunity of putting on record how much I owe in my Christian life to my friendship with dear John Harper. I have found the word of Proverbs 17:27, “A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit,” to be true indeed, and the two friends now with the Lord who had the most to do with the “sharpening” of my life were Matthew Colquhoun and John Harper.
Both were close friends, not only of my own, but of each other. Often, before the day Matthew fell asleep in the
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