The Sweet Caress

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Book: The Sweet Caress by Roberta Latow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roberta Latow
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that he had a penchant for very young and talented pretty girls. She was neither surprised nor jealous, merely aware.
    Since she and Luke were the last to arrive, it was only a short time before the party was called into dinner. As Jessica walked into the dining room on his arm, she whispered, ‘You have a taste for very young girls like Mai Liu.’
    ‘I certainly did until I met you,’ he whispered back.
    ‘Do you really mean that?’ she asked.
    ‘Hand on heart,’ he replied.
    ‘Well, you just prove that to me later, this evening, in your bed, at your house,’ she demanded provocatively.
    ‘If you will promise to come to orgasm at my command all through this evening, at the table, during the concert, as long as we are here in this house, whenever I raise my right hand and rub my chin.’
    ‘I’ll say one thing for you, Luke, you know better than most how to play with me. I promise.’
    The guests were seated at one long table. Jessica was opposite Luke, and seated on her right was a Chinese scholar, Tom Salinger, who taught at Wesson College. On her left was Jamie Dunwoody, Rose Cottage’s banker. Tom Salinger appeared to be more interested in Mai Liu than Jessica, which suited her although she was fascinated by the conversation he was having with the attractive violinist. Jamie tried to keep his end up by talking to both Jessica and the woman on his left but it was not easy for him. Jessica was charming but aloof, more silent than most at the table. She was distracted by the seductive game she was playing with Luke. His glances across the table to her were frequent, they teased her into a highly aroused sexual state. He was filled with glee to know that he was controlling her pleasure from across the table in the midst of dinner.
    As the pudding was being served, she overheard Tom Salinger say something quite incorrect to Mai Liu. Without thought she corrected him in perfect Mandarin Chinese. Only after she had spoken did Jessica realise how much she had exposed herself.
    Tom Salinger was astounded that she should be so fluent in Mandarin and spoke it with a perfect educated accent. ‘I had no idea you could speak Mandarin,’ he said in the language that he loved and had fascinated him all his life.
    ‘Neither did I, until I did,’ a good cover-up for no more questions about that fact, she thought.
    ‘Then you’ve stumbled on another clue that might jog your memory. It can’t be easy for you living without your yesterdays, not knowing —’ He stopped abruptly, aware that he was doing the one thing that his host had asked him not to do, make the amnesia victim, Jessica Johnson, uncomfortable about her condition. Tom gazed into Jessica’s eyes, suddenly aware of her acute sexuality. He might favour Oriental women, but in this intriguing lady, with her perfect Mandarin, he felt he would find the adventurous sex he craved.
    As Jessica returned his gaze, they recognised in each other a mutual lust for exotic sex and erotic passion; a sexual liaison between them seemed fated.
    Luke watched Jessica and Tom. It was obvious to him by her body language and the way her eyes shone with excitement that she was more than a little interested in Tom. Yet she was sensitive enough to his own feelings to distract herself from Tom, if only for a few seconds, and glance across the table at him. Luke willed her to come and she did. He could tell by the flush of colour that came to her cheeks, that quick fluttering of her eyelids. Their game was still on. Luke threw back his head and laughed aloud, delighted that she was still his, could and did come on his command. Jessica discreetly kissed the tips of her fingers and blew the kiss across the table to Luke then turned back to her seduction of Tom Salinger.
    Tom raised Jessica’s hand off her lap, lowered his head, and kissed her fingers. He whispered in Chinese, ‘Do you always come on command? How delightful! I don’t suppose there is a woman in the room who realises

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