The Storm That Is Sterling

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Book: The Storm That Is Sterling by Lisa Renee Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Renee Jones
regardless,” he replied. “But it will be without him. He is dead. And you are not the only scientist here with your expertise. But you are female, and I do not wish you dead, just motivated. So here is your motivation. Every time I feel you are failing me, I will kill one of the humans. And you are failing me. Consider Milton’s blood is on your hands, Becca.”
    Becca choked on her breath, and this time it had nothing to do with cancer. This wasn’t happening. She squeezed her eyes shut and told herself she’d wake up soon. This was a bad nightmare, a side effect of her treatments in Germany. Minutes of slumber had passed, not hours of captivity.
    Suddenly, Adam was in front of her, the wolves parting to allow him to stand almost on top of her. Becca gasped, shocked at his nearness. He didn’t touch her, yet she could almost swear she felt his hands on her throat. She tried not to move, but he stared at her, the depths of evil in his black, spiraling eyes pouring through her like acid, eating her alive.
    “I suggest you get to work,” Adam said, his voice low, poisonous. “Before I decide to kill another human simply because… well, it’s entertaining. Especially when I watch you worry for them.” He paused as if for effect, then, “Am I clear?”
    She nodded. “Yes,” she whispered, but the word was barely audible, her voice lost in the bile forming with his nearness.
    For several seconds, he studied her, his features stony, intense. “Then do it,” he finally said. “And I’ll leave Milton here to remind you of the consequences of displeasing me.”
    He gave her his back, his wolves following on his heels. Dorian fell into step beside his father, but not before casting Becca a mocking glance. The boy was evil. Born evil. Growing more so with each passing day.
    And when Becca was certain this day could get no worse—a second before the doors closed—Tad’s big, obnoxious self stepped inside.
    “Good news, Becca. Sweetie. Darling. Honey bunch. We have some quality time together. I’m to look out for you.” He smiled and winked. Then walked to Milton and shoved him onto the ground as if he were nothing but trash in the way. “You heard Adam,” he shouted at the group. “Let’s get to work.”
    Anger, pain, and yes, fear, collided inside Becca with a force so mighty, she thought she might collapse. Something happened with that force—energy crackled in the air—glass shattered in various locations of the lab. It was as if her emotions waved through the air with electricity. Her head spun, her chest tightened. Remotely, she heard Tad yelling. And then he was on the floor and so were the other scientists. They just dropped like rocks and hit the concrete with hard thuds.
    Becca’s eyes went wide. Her heart jackknifed and then raced. What just happened? She balled her fist over her heart and willed it to stop racing, but her hand was unsteady, shaky. She forced herself to inhale and exhale and count to ten slowly. The dizziness subsided; the room came back into focus.
    Then, and only then, did she scold herself for standing still. She raced to Milton’s side and rolled him over, cringing at his blank, open eyes even as she checked for a pulse she knew she wasn’t going to find.
    Her stomach twisted, and she reached up to close his eyes. More glass around the room shattered as she whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t save you.” But she didn’t cry—the fury over this cruelty still eating her alive.
    She pushed to her feet and faced the scientists where they lay on the ground. Items in the room began to float. A chair jumped and turned over. Becca could feel the energy coming off her—the power that damn ICE created. And she knew she was the reason those men were on the ground.
    Becca stared at them and then at the locked doors. Badge. They had badges to open the door. Tad would have the highest security clearance she assumed. Without allowing herself time to think, Becca charged forward and

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