The Spoils of Sin

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Book: The Spoils of Sin by Rebecca Tope Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Tope
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horse that almost glowed with quality. His spurs were made of silver. He was almost fifty years old and had a compelling story to tell.
    â€˜But first, young lady, I must avail myself of your services,’ he said to Carola with an impatient smile. It was a busy evening, with four men waiting round the piano under Hugo’s steady gaze and one more upstairs with Fanny. Jim offered double payment if he could be given priority ahead of his rightful turn.
    The other men grumbled at this and Carola gave him a look. ‘Strictly in order of arrival,’ she said. ‘Any other way leads to trouble.’
    â€˜Handsome horse you’re riding,’ remarked a man, clearly hoping to avert any unpleasantness. He had kept a wary eye on Hugo since stepping through the door. ‘Must have cost ye a fair few bucks.’
    â€˜Right enough,’ agreed Jim. ‘How about this, then? In exchange for a most remarkable tale I have to tell, you agree to let me go up next? You won’t regret it. I don’t intend to take too long, and you’re sure to hear things to your advantage.’ He looked round at them. ‘Single men, the lot of you. Nothing to tie you to this place, pretty though it be. I can give you good reasons to head south the moment the sun rises in the morning.’
    The men glanced at each other and rubbed their freshly-shaven chins. ‘’Tis a nice horse,’ said one.
    â€˜Time enough, I reckon,’ said another. A third picked out a simple tune on the keys.
    â€˜Go on, then, and be quick about it,’ said the first one, evidently speaking for them all.
    Jim was true to his word and, having returned from his session with Carola, spent the next hour or two regaling his listeners with accounts of the extraordinary finds in California. So compelling were his words that Fanny and Carola found themselves also sitting in the circle, the demands of the bedroom forgotten.
    â€˜And why, pray, be ye here and not there, then?’ asked the most vociferous of the men.
    â€˜Got out while I could. Another month or two and there’ll be a mad rush and ’twill all be spoiled. Whole shiploads of Chileans were arriving when I lit out. I found my little seam, more by luck than anything, and filled my pockets unmolested. Changed it for eight hundred dollars and the horse and a few other things. Enough to see me through my days, most likely. And if it runs through my fingers, I shall go back again.’ He shook his head, at some unspoken thought. ‘Greed be a terrible thing, mark you. When the word spreads, the whole world will head for California and the west will be changed forever. But, boys, if you get down there now, you’ll still be ahead of the worst of it. I can help you to know what to look for.’ And he drifted into details of geological science that the girls found a lot less fascinating.
    Later, when they had finally all gone, Carola said, ‘This gold business – if it’s true, it surely will bring some changes.’
    â€˜Even though it’s so far away? How many rich prospectors are going to find their way to Chemeketa, think you?’
    â€˜We shall have to see,’ said Carola. ‘But I fancy there might be some most favourable consequences for us all.’ She nibbled her lower lip. ‘And, if it truly turns out as that Jim suggests, we might consider removing ourselves to a point closer to where the riches are.’
    Fanny thought of the magnificent horse and the silver spurs and the apparent common sense shown by Jim, and wondered how many men would know when to stop if there was a chance of digging untold wealth out of the ground. ‘I should be sorry,’ she murmured. ‘Sorry to leave this place. It has become home to me now.’
    â€˜We could return with our bags full of gold.’
    â€˜And retire to a life of idleness,’ Fanny laughed.
    â€˜Jim left twenty bucks,’ said Carola. ‘You

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