The Snow Queen's Captive

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Book: The Snow Queen's Captive by Jill Myles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Myles
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Time travel
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thing but I can dig it.”
    Big, fat tears started to well from Charlotte’s eyes. “But I don’t want to be the snow queen. I was supposed to be the heroine.”
    Muffin twirled a finger in the air. “Be positive, my dear. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”
    “I can’t make lemonade,” Charlotte said in a sad voice. “Just lemon popsicles.”
    The fairy godmother chuckled. “Good one!”
    Charlotte gave her a woebegone look.
    “Now, now,” Muffin said, reaching over to pat Charlotte’s knee. She frowned when her hand stuck to Charlotte’s frosty skin, ripped her fingers away, and then blew on the red welts the touch left behind. “I forgot about that. What I was going to tell you, my dear, is that you’re still in the fairy tale. Things can always get better. As long as you are here, you have a chance to take charge and make changes.”
    “But I’m the bad guy! Everyone hates me!”
    “No, you’re the snow queen. You have to do the snow queen stuff. No one says you have to be all bad.” She shrugged. “I can’t change it. That nitwit intern of mine messed it up, but what’s done is done, my dear. Everyone only gets one fairy tale assignment per lifetime. I can’t change things. The only thing I can do is check up on you and see how things are going, and maybe offer a little advice here and there.”
    Charlotte gave a sniff, and then wiped her cheeks. She was being silly. Of course, Muffin was right. At least she had a second chance. “I’m sorry. It’s just rough and I’m lonely.”
    “What about that delicious young man that’s been hanging around?”
    “Is he the naked, hot one? Yeah, him.” Muffin flicked her fingers. “Go tell him you’re lonely. He’ll fix that fast, if I’m any judge of these sorts of things.”
    Charlotte felt her cheeks grow hot. She remembered the hot look in Kai’s eyes. There are ways… “I don’t know that he’s offering…friendship, exactly.”
    Muffin gave a ladylike snort. “That’s not what we called it back in my day, either.”
    How embarrassing. “You know he doesn’t really want me, Muffin.”
    “Of course he doesn’t,” the fairy godmother said, her expression one of patience. “He thinks you’re the snow queen. If he’s offering you something, it’s because he’s trying to gain some leverage.”
    Charlotte crossed her arms over her icicled chest, a bit annoyed at Muffin’s words. “Well, that was blunt.”
    Muffin straightened her oversized sunglasses. “Trust this old lady, my dear. I’ve been around the block a few times. Take what that boy’s offering, if you’re bored. No one’s going to judge, least of all not me. Just don’t expect more from him than a warm body and a few pretty words.”
    It was the truth, of course. Charlotte wasn’t stupid. Kai had changed directions on her so suddenly that she’d almost had whiplash. The man who’d tackled her and tried to escape her suddenly offering her sex? Of course it was a plot of some kind.
    And of course she was a doofus to even consider it. Just a little.
    No one’s going to judge, least of all, me.
    Muffin was right, Charlotte realized. There was no one to judge her, except maybe Kai. If he wanted to use her, couldn’t she use him back? Just a little? Take a bit of comfort from whatever he had to offer her, and run with that?
    As long as she knew he was using her, and she used him back, what was the harm? She wanted companionship. She was utterly lonely and miserable as the snow queen, and working on the walls only burned through so many hours of the day. What would it hurt to spend more time with Kai and entertain him in his thoughts of escape? It wasn’t like she was going to NOT let him free at the end of the month.
    Charlotte considered this. As long as both parties got what they wanted, what was the harm?
    ~~ * * * ~~
    That night, she decided to test Kai. After a dinner of flavored cubes (and his soup), she gave him a cheery smile.

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