The Slowest Cut

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Book: The Slowest Cut by Catriona King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catriona King
Tags: Fiction & Literature
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‘interrogated’ you?” He emphasised the word in an amused tone.
    “A D.C.I. Craig. He was nice. Natalie knows him. I bumped into him again just before Christmas at an art gallery.”
    “That would be Marc. He was always the arty romantic sort.”
    “Actually, I believe he was on a case.”
    The Trainor murder. John smiled and stood up.
    “How does your nose feel now?”
    “How does it look?”
    “Nice shape. Pity about the colour.”
    Katy reached into her handbag, withdrawing a small mirror and grimacing at her reflection. She touched her nose cautiously then gave John a reassuring look.
    “It looks worse than it feels, honestly. Don’t worry. But I’ll make sure to tell Natalie that her boyfriend hit me. It should be good for a rant or two.” She laughed at John’s crestfallen face. “I’m joking. Walking into a door makes me sound much less stupid.” She rose and turned towards the lift. “Well, perhaps I’ll see you again sometime, under better circumstances. Goodbye.”
    John watched as Katy walked away then he had a thought. He went to the reception desk and gathered his expected results, then went back to his office to lay his plan.
    Jake walked away from Ian Carragher’s business place in Academy Street, scratching his head. Liam had said Carragher was upset at the thought of what might have happened to his wife, and he was still that, although he’d continued to work. But what Liam hadn’t said was how cool a character he was. When he’d tried to explain that he might be at risk Carragher had just shrugged and said. “It’s the price you pay.” The price you pay for what?
    He’d heard similar things said by guys in the military and armed response, even from some criminals. He could understand it from all of them; they took chances every day. But Ian Carragher wasn’t in a high risk occupation; surveying was hardly cutting edge stuff. The fact that Carragher had said it meant he thought he was taking risks he might have to pay for, and if they weren’t at work then that meant they were somewhere else in his life. Perhaps in an area that had involved his wife?
    Jake climbed back in the car and drove down the Dunbar Link, heading back towards the C.C.U. He was going to take a close look at Mr and Mrs Carragher, a very close look, and he had a hunch that something very nasty was going to turn up.
    “Is Warner saying anything, Liam?”
    “Not a dicky bird, boss. Clammed up as soon as we got him into the car.”
    Craig gazed through the two-way mirror at the man lounging on the interview room chair at High Street Station.
    “What did he say before then?”
    Liam sniffed. “A delicate combination of four letter words, and the grammar school teacher’s equivalent of ‘you’ll never make anything stick.’”
    “Like what?”
    “Ah well, that’s it exactly, isn’t it? We hadn’t accused him of anything, just said we needed him to come in and help us with our enquiries. I didn’t even say it was anything to do with Eileen Carragher’s death. But he’s feeling as guilty as hell about something.”
    Craig peered through the glass then gave Liam a rueful look. “How did he get that fat lip?”
    Liam glanced at him sheepishly. “Well… Annette was asking him to come and help with an urgent matter, and he pushed her to the ground then legged it down the corridor, where…”
    Craig interrupted. “Where, let me guess, you were waiting to stop him? Gently, of course.”
    “Got it in one.” He threw Warner a menacing glance. “He shouldn’t have hit a woman.”
    Craig nodded. “Is Annette OK?”
    “Aye, pretty much.”
    Craig stared at the glass, anticipating the chat they were about to have with Warner. “You go in first, Liam. I want to see how he reacts to you. I’ll be there in a moment.”
    Liam pulled open the viewing-room door and ten seconds later he appeared on the other side of the glass. Craig could hear his booming voice without the microphone, but he

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