The Sleepover Club Bridesmaids

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Book: The Sleepover Club Bridesmaids by Angie Bates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Bates
it on the set in my room. To start with, we were both a bit on our dignity. It was like neither of us wanted to be the first person to laugh out loud. We’d snigger, then instantly straighten our faces. But the film was so silly that soon we were both howling with laughter.
    When it was over, Amber went off to use the bathroom, and I trotted downstairs to say goodnight to Mum and Andy.
    To my dismay, Andy’s mum followed me out into the hall. “I want a private word, Felicity,” she whispered.
    Oh-oh, I thought. I should have guessed it was all too good to be true. What have I done wrong now ?
    Whatever it was, Patsy didn’t want anyone else to hear about my crimes, because she put her finger to her lips and kind of shunted me mysteriously into the kitchen. Then she shut the door.
    Did I say before that Patsy always looks and sounds slightly offended?
    “I just wanted to tell you,” she said in her stiff way, “that I’m really proud of you, dear.”
    I was so expecting an earbashing that I actually glanced behind me, to see who Patsy was really talking to! “Proud?” I said bewildered. “Of me?”
    “You’ve got strong principles,” she said. “I like that. And you’re a true friend.”
    “Oh,” I croaked. “Thanks, erm, Patsy.”
    “I’d like you to bring Francesca back here after school tomorrow. If everything goes according to plan, I may have a surprise for her.” And Patsy had this real glint in her eye, like she was actually enjoying our little conspiracy. It was the exact same look Andygets sometimes, when he’s winding Mum up!
    “OK,” I said, surprised. “I’ll ask her.”
    I couldn’t think what Patsy was being so cloak-and-dagger about. But I really REALLY hoped her plan wouldn’t involve cabbage soup.
    I was so tired by the time I switched out my light that I almost fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.
    Only almost.
    Because just as I drifted happily away to dreamland, it hit me!
    I’d only got two days until the wedding! And not only had I failed to come up with any of my four somethings, but I still had no IDEA what I was going to get Mum and Andy for a present.
    I thumped my pillow angrily.
    Felicity Sidebotham, you total fluff-brain! I fumed to myself. How COULD you have forgotten something so important!!

Bet you thought I was telling serious porkies, didn’t you, when I said this story was going to be like a rollercoaster ride! Bet you’ve changed your mind now though, eh? And guess what! The thrills and spills aren’t nearly over yet.
    But as this story is being told by that well-known butterfly-brain Felicity Sidebotham, I thought you might be feeling a bit confused by this time. So I thought I’d remind you EXACTLY where we’ve got up to now, in the wedding countdown. Can you believe it’s now actually the day before the wedding?Me neither!
    Have you ever been so incredibly excited, that nothing actually feels quite real? Isn’t it the weirdest sensation in the world?
    That Friday, I got up and kind of floated through the motions of my usual routine, but it was like I was watching myself in a movie, do you know what I mean? Fliss gets ready for school. Fliss leaves the house. Fliss walks down the street with a soppy grin on her face, dreaming of peach satin dresses, wedding cake and confetti!
    “My mother is getting married tomorrow,” I whispered, as I walked down the same village street I walked down every day. But I’d been waiting so long, it was like I couldn’t really believe my dream was finally turning into reality.
    Then I remembered that I still had my little mystery to solve. At break, I took Frankie aside and gave her Patsy’s message.
    She looked amazed. “Why me?”
    “I have no idea,” I said truthfully.
    “Didn’t she even give you like, a tiny CLUE what it’s about?”
    “She said she might have a surprise for you. So can you come?” I asked anxiously.
    Frankie grinned. “Do I look like a girl who’d pass up the opportunity for a

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