The Slave
collapsing back onto the bed. “So good. So... so good.”

    Robin awoke with a start,
knowing immediately that she wasn’t in her own bed, and feeling the
disorientation that comes with darkness and deep sleep. Then, she
turned over and remembered; she was in the room that had been
locked, and Chris Parker was presumably sleeping in the room across
the hall. That’s twice in two days , she thought, stretching a little. I guess I really
haven’t spent that much time waking up in strange beds, have
    She had never been one for one-night stands.
Predictably, plain sex, ‘vanilla sex’, as she came to call it,
became something she just avoided. She stopped going to the singles
hangouts that her friends from school and work crawled through,
except when she had a large group to insulate her from unwanted
attention. And if her reputation seemed to be somewhat prudish,
well, there was ample evidence that she did have relationships with
other people. Somehow, it just didn’t seem that she met them
dancing, drinking, or while conducting the dating and mating
rituals of her class and culture.
    Two mornings waking up in different places
was already something new.
    Disappointingly, the locked room turned out
to be another bedroom, at least to casual glances. Before she
turned out the light, however, she realized that there was a
distinct spartan atmosphere to the room, a lack of heavy furniture
and a lot of wall space. There was a small bathroom, with a shower
stall. Large closets with locked sliding doors lined one wall
entirely, and unlike all the other rooms, this one had heavy drapes
to close out the light.
    Or to hide the interior from
voyeurs with binoculars across the street , she added. She had made a note to
carefully examine the room the next day if she had time, but she
was pretty sure that it was a playroom.
    But there had been no time this night. By
the time she finished filling Parker in on her erotic life up until
college, it was already getting late. Her trainer did not touch her
or use her in any way, but merely sent her to bed with a wake-up
time and a wave of his hand. Still trying for best behavior, she
had gone, and dove into the single-sized guest bed within the ten
minutes Chris had suggested.
    She glanced at the
clock. God,
was it really only three in the morning? She flopped back down into the sheets
in frustration. Insomnia would be damn hard to combat now. She had
been given some very simple instructions concerning her sleeping
    “ You will sleep naked,” Chris had
ticked off, looking her directly in the eye. “You will remain in
bed, unless you have a physical need to leave it. You will keep the
lights off; no reading, no watching television, if there is one
present. And you will not, under any circumstances, give yourself
pleasure. That right belongs to me now. If you even absently stroke
yourself for the calming effect, you will be stealing from me, and
will be punished.”
    Her hands itched to do just
that. Just thinking of the instruction caused a twinge of
excitement to run through her, and she moaned, turning over onto
her stomach to trap her hands under the pillow. There was a part of
her mind clamoring for attention, a strong and determined segment
which demanded satisfaction. How would he know? that part of her screamed. You know how to
keep it quiet! And you are going to take a nice shower in the
morning, plenty of time to make sure there’s no evidence, not that
women really leave anything men know to look for. It’ll calm you
down, it’ll get you to sleep, it’ll be all right, just this
    But I’m trying to live this
way , she
hollered back. There’s no point in me doing this if I don’t do it all the
    Somehow, she managed to fall asleep again,
and the buzzing of the alarm clock seemed like an explosion when
morning came.
    * * * *
    Chris seemed disgustingly alert when he came
out of his bedroom, his curly hair wet and his

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