The Sheik and the Siren (Elemental Series)

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Book: The Sheik and the Siren (Elemental Series) by Elizabeth Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
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disappeared then as he looked out to the sea. “That isn’t my real name. But I don’t want to be reminded of who I am, so I choose instead to go by a name of who I’ve become.”
    “What is your real name?” she asked. “And from where exactly do you come?”
    He stayed quiet for a moment and then turned and faced her. “It no longer matters,” he said. “Sometimes we are better to forget our past so we can live in the present.”
    “You sound as if you are running from something or someone. Are you?”
    Instead of answering, he looked out to the sea and pointed. “Look,” he said. “Look how vast your ocean is, and how you can see from up here that it stretches out for as far as the eye can see.”
    She looked then and inhaled sharply. It was such a glorious site and it called to her, making her want to return to the sea. She thought about her mother and wondered what became of her. Then she thought about her father, and started to become quite lonely.
    “I need to return to the sea as soon as we eat,” she told him.
    “You are not staying in the castle tonight?” She could hear the disappointment in his voice.
    “Nay. I need to replenish my energy. The more time out of the water, the weaker I become.”
    “So . . . are you saying that you could possibly die if you don’t get back to the sea in time? Like the way Brynn, the elemental of fire was drained of her strength by being submerged in water?”
    “Exactly. I stay on land no more than a day at a time b efore I need to get into water. That’s why I am so worried about my mother.”
    “What do you mean?” he asked, turning and gently putting his hands on her shoulders as if he wasn’t sure if she’d like it or she’d pull away.
    “That evil sheik took her with him to the land of sand across the sea. That land has no water, and that would be the end of an elemental of the water to be trapped there. I am afraid she may have already perished, it’s been such a long time.”
    “Then why don’t you look into the crystal dolphin and find out for sure?”
    She’d been thinking the same thing herself since she found out she could scry after all. “I’m afraid of what I might see,” she told him.
    “Then I’ll look for you.”
    “It doesn’t work that way,” she said with a smile, looking at his lips. She wanted to kiss him badly and noticed he was looking at her lips too.
    “Then . . . we can,” his lips came closer, “do it,” his breath brushed against her lips and her eyes closed in anticipation, “together.” His mouth closed over hers and she melted under his touch. The slight stubble upon his face rubbed against her, only exciting her more. She reached up and laid her hands against his bare chest, feeling the heat from his body. Then he slowly released her from the kiss, their lips staying together slightly before they parted. She pulled back and looked at him. His eyes were dark and hooded, his lips full and strong and just begging to be kissed again.
    His head was wrapped with fresh bandages she’d used after she’d cleansed his wound. It hadn’t been deep and she knew he’d heal quickly. But stan ding there now with that wanton look in his eyes, and half naked, she could see why he sounded disappointed she wasn’t going to be staying the night with him.
    “Stay with me tonight, my siren of the sea,” he said in a sultry whisper. “I can please you in ways you’ve never dreamed.”
    “I think you’ve already tried,” she reminded him.
    “Nay, that was naught compared to the night of ecstasy I have planned for you. That was only me dreaming about you. What I have planned is a night of passion so far from anything you can imagine that you’ll think you are in a foreign land. So what say you, my little fae. Would you stay with me tonight or not?”
    She was lost in his eyes that were drawing her in much the same as her siren’s song had done to him.
    “Would you be tied to a post this time?” she asked with a

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