The Seduction Of Claudia

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Book: The Seduction Of Claudia by Antoinette Chauvet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Antoinette Chauvet
Tags: Fiction & Literature
tape! I deserve a night out," Claudia replied, "What about you, what'd you do today?"
    "I spent the day in my darkroom developing some more photos from Eritrea. There were some I held back from Time; I guess I just wanted to keep them to myself. Here," he said pausing, "let me help you with that clasp."
    Claudia has chosen a suite of chunky sterling silver jewelry to wear tonight. She'd already put on the dangly earrings and bracelet, but was having trouble with the necklace.
    "Thanks," she said, lifting her hair and turning around so her back was to him.
    Andrew made quick work of the clasp and then embraced her from behind, nuzzling the nape of her neck.
    "You smell great."
    "Thank you. It's the new limited edition Serge Lutens. My cousin Marie-Josée sent it to me from Paris. You remember her, don't you? She always seems to choose just what I'd pick for myself," Claudia mused, realizing she was chattering a bit to cover her nervousness. He turned her around and kissed her lips lightly, then tapped a finger on the tip of her nose.
    "Great taste must run in the family. You ready to go?"
    "Yup. Where are we going, by the way?"
    "My place."
    "We're having dinner at your place?" she asked, nonplussed. "I guess I better bring the Pepto Bismal if you're cooking!"
    "Ha, very funny. Why don't you grab some clothes and stuff for tomorrow?"
    "Umm... There's really no need, is there? Even if it gets late, I can still come home. You only live a few blocks away, Andrew."
    "I think you should bring a change of clothes and some toiletries," Andrew said with finality. "Get your stuff."
    Seeing that he wouldn't take no for an answer, Claudia quickly gathered the toiletries she needed and selected clothes for the next day. When she reached for pajamas, Andrew stopped her.
    "I don't think you'll be needing those."
    Claudia's mouth opened in protest, but then she snapped it shut and closed the drawer. He was probably right anyway, she thought as she folded her things neatly into a black leather shoulder bag.
    "OK. I guess I'm ready then."
    "Good. Let's go," he said, picking up the bag and going down the hall to the front door.
    Andrew set the bag on the floor and helped Claudia into her coat. Taking the key from her, he locked the door while she put on her gloves and scarf. They headed down the stairs and out into the street together. Claudia was surprised to see Andrew's car double-parked in front of her building.
    "You drove here?! We could've walked. You'd better hope you didn't lose your parking space!" Claudia teased him, "If you did, we'll probably wind up walking farther from the new parking space than if we had walked from here to there."
    "We'll see," Andrew replied cagily, helping her into the car and tossing her duffel on the backseat. He slid behind the wheel of his silver Audi and pulled into traffic. They reached the corner and turned the opposite direction than they would have gone had they been going back to Andrew's apartment.
    "We're not going to your place, are we?" Claudia asked, finally catching on.
    "We are. Just not the one you mean."
    "You have another house?"
    "Well, it's not exactly mine. The cabin belongs to the family. Dad told me last night at the party that he needed some stuff done up there and since I haven't been there in a while, I told him I'd go up and take care of it."
    "Where is this cabin?"
    "The Berkshires," Andrew admitted a little bashfully.
    "Ah. Of course, where else but the Berkshires?" Claudia teased.
    "I knew you would say something like that. That's why I didn't tell you beforehand. Figured I'd save myself a little grief..."
    "I'm only teasing. It's a long way to go for one night, though, isn't it?"
    "It's only a couple hours' drive. We'll be there in time for a late dinner. I'll do the things I need to do in the morning and we can be on our way back to town in the afternoon," Andrew said. "I thought it'd be nice to get out of the city for some peace and quiet."
    "It will definitely be nice to

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