The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers

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Book: The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers by Lynn Weingarten Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Weingarten
Tags: Juvenile Fiction, Fantasy & Magic, Social Issues, Love & Romance, Friendship, Social Themes
    “This is Lucy, Liza’s . . .” She paused. “I’m Lucy. Liza wanted me to . . .” Lucy looked down at her lap; she could feel them watching her. “Liza wanted me to tell you that she can’t make it this afternoon.”
    “Tell him about the other guy,” Liza whispered.
    “Oh.” There was a long pause. “God. Okay. Right. I should have figured that maybe. Uh, what’s she doing?”
    “I don’t know. She just said that she can’t make it. She’s . . .” Lucy felt her heart squeezing for whoever this was. “She’s sorry.”
    “Oh,” he said. “Um. Oh. Well. Okay. I left her a voice mail and emailed her and stuff too, but I’m not sure if she got it. I think my phone’s been weird and you know how unreliable email is and everything. Can you tell her that I left her voice mails and that I’ll call her back again later?”
    “Promise me you’ll tell her that?”
    “I promise.”
    “Did she get the bunny cake?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “The orchid?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Did she like the singing telegram? I wasn’t sure if she was one of those people who was scared of clowns or not. . . .”
    “I don’t know.” Lucy could feel Liza glaring at her. “I’m sorry.”
    “Sure,” the voice said. He sounded crushed. And then, “Hey, did something happen with her mom again? Is that what’s going on?”
    “I don’t know what’s going on,” Lucy said. “I . . .”
    “Tell him about the other guy!” Liza hissed.
    Lucy looked down.
    “Give it to me.” Liza reached out and grabbed the phone. Then she pressed what looked like a blue ice cube against Lucy’s neck. Lucy felt a sudden intense coldness in her throat.
    “. . . think she’s out with some friend of hers, Justin something. I don’t know. Tall, muscle-y, do you know him?” Liza said into the phone.
    Lucy stared and her mouth dropped open. Liza was talking in Lucy’s voice. Lucy tried to speak, but no words would come out. She brought her hand to her freezing throat. Liza continued. “She said she’ll be back late. I’ll tell her you called though. Byeeeee!”
    Liza hung up.
    “There,” she said.
    Olivia turned toward Lucy. “I’m really so sorry, sugar lump, that should not have happened. We do not use our magic on our potential sisters .” Olivia looked at Liza. “ Liza will not do anything like that again.”
    “What?” Liza said. “She was messing it up!” But she sounded like a little kid arguing with her parents when she knew there was no point in trying to fight.
    For a second the car was silent.
    “So what did he say to you?” Liza asked.
    Lucy opened her mouth. She felt her heart trying to pound its way out. Sweat sprung out all over her body. Her throat was still so cold. She couldn’t speak.
    “Liza!” Olivia said sharply.
    Liza reached out and tapped Lucy’s throat again. Lucy felt a melting and then her words came. “He wanted to know if something happened with your mom,” Lucy said. Her hands were shaking.
    What had Liza done to her?
    “He what ? ”
    Lucy flinched.
    “How the hell does he even know . . .” Liza shook her head. She bit her lip and looked out the window. “Anything else?”
    Lucy was breathing in tiny little gasps. “He-he also a-asked me to tell you he called and texted and would call you tomorrow. He asked if you got the flowers he sent and the . . .”
    Liza shook her head. She laughed. “God, how pathetic.” She looked at Lucy again. “Who told you to tell him I was sorry ? Do not tell a guy that I said I am sorry unless I tell you to tell him I said I was sorry. What’s wrong with you?”
    “I’m sorry, I . . .”
    Olivia glanced at Liza. “Is Scott ready?” Her words were laced with meaning.
    “Almost.” Liza nodded, then went back to her phone. “Tall Chris put us on the comp list to see some band on Friday night. But it’s like some emo band. And emo-boy-heartbreak tears are hardly worth anything.

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