The Secret Life of Miss Anna Marsh

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Book: The Secret Life of Miss Anna Marsh by Ella Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Quinn
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peel of laughter. “Now that’s something I’d like to see.”
    Rutherford rode back to the Priory deep in thought. How the hell Anna thought the sensations they’d had today were mere lust was beyond him. Lust was what he’d felt for her before. This sudden need to make Anna his and keep other men away from her, was something else entirely. He had to find a way to make her understand the difference. There was something else wrong as well. What made her think she wasn’t what he wanted? Something told him that was the real hurdle. Until he solved the riddle of her mind, he’d not get where he wanted to be.
    There was something about the gentleman masquerading as a merchant that made him uneasy. With Dover, Sandwich, and Ramsgate all nearby, they didn’t get many of the ton in this area. Whatever the man was up to, it wasn’t good. He wondered what the innkeeper had discovered about the smugglers, if anything. This would all be so much easier if he could hit something or kill it. He smiled to himself. Percy. Getting rid of him might satisfy some of Rutherford’s frustration.
    The day Rutherford had thrown Percy into the fountain, he had been at Marsh Hill with his mother. Rutherford and Harry had acquired a pair of stilts, and were in the garden practicing, to the hilarity of Anna, who was about five years old at the time.
    Percy came out, and the next thing Rutherford knew Anna was crying, and Percy was standing over her. Harry was on the stilts, and from the expression on his face he was ready to pummel Percy into the ground. Rutherford was closer. He took one look at Anna’s red and tear-drenched face, then reached out, grabbed Percy, and tossed him into the fountain.
    Afterward, Rutherford had picked Anna up and dried her tears. His throat tightened. When she’d seen Percy in the water, she’d laughed, thrown her arms around Rutherford’s neck, and kissed him on the cheek. It was the first time he’d felt like a hero. Rutherford smiled. Maybe she’d do the same thing today. Given the slightest provocation, he’d make a repeat performance, both to enjoy punishing Percy and to receive a reward from Anna.
    He entered his house to the sound of high-pitched squeals. Three girls, ranging in age from eleven to sixteen, came running down the stairs and threw themselves at him. He reached out, laughing. “How am I ever going to take you to London if you act like hoydens?”
    Althea, the eldest, hugged him back. “Mama says I’m to be presented in the spring!”
    Rutherford tried not to frown. “Indeed. I thought she planned to wait another year. You’ll barely be seventeen.”
    â€œI know, but that’s how old she was. Ruhy, what if I fall in love and someone falls in love with me? Would you allow me to marry? I mean if we were truly in love?”
    He wanted a brandy. It was much too soon to have this conversation. “If you were truly in love, and he truly loved you, and he could support you in the proper style, then I’d give it serious thought.”
    â€œBut . . .”
    â€œNo, I’d have to see who the hypothetical love is first.”
    Althea pouted. “Very well, I guess that’s fair.”
    He chucked her under her chin. “Cheer up. I wouldn’t withhold my consent unless I had a good reason. I do want you to be happy.” A thought struck him. “As long as it’s not Percy Blanchard. None of you will marry him. Do I make myself clear?”
    Rutherford smiled as they all went into whoops.
    â€œPercy is going to marry Anna. His mama thinks it would be a good match,” said his youngest sister, Cecilia, with all the seriousness of eleven years.
    â€œDevil a bit.” Perhaps he’d just kill Percy and have it done with. “When did you hear that?”
    â€œWhen Lady Blanchard came for tea a couple of weeks ago,” Eloisa, the thirteen-year-old, offered.

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