The Romance of Nick and Layla (Parts 1-3)

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Book: The Romance of Nick and Layla (Parts 1-3) by Crystal Cierlak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Cierlak
Tags: Romance
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Now it’s all out in the open. I guess this marriage was doomed to fail from the start.”
    “Don’t say that! We don’t even know if this is legitimate.”
    “Why would she do that? She’s already been with the great and all-powerful Nick Hudson. I think that would mean more to some girl than a check made out to her with your autograph on it.”
    “I really wish you would save your bitching until after we find out the truth.”
    “No. There is no ‘we’ Nick. You’re the one with the constantly unzipped pants. You made your bed. Now lie in it. You, your one-night-stand and your bastard child.”
    “Pack the bags in the car. We’re changing our plans.”
    “Excuse me?” Who the hell does he think he’s talking to?
    “We’re going to straighten this thing out once and for all.”
    “No. I am not going anywhere with you.”
    “You have to settle this thing with me. This affects you too!”
    “You can go wherever the you want to go, Nick. As for me? I’m going to my lawyer. Just be sure to let me know where you are so you can be served.”
    “You’re not divorcing me. We don’t even know if this is true.”
    “And what if it is true? Huh? You think the four of us will play house and live happily ever after? You could have a child Nick! A child by someone that isn’t your wife.”
    “Then we’ll figure it out Layla. Jesus Christ we finally got our shit together and now you’re throwing it out the window again!” he yelled. Don’t you dare yell at me. I can scream much louder than you. And you know it.
    “We’ll figure it out? And how are we going to do that Nick? You’ll spend Sunday through Wednesday with her and your child and I’ll get Thursday through Saturday? Is that what you think?” The blood in me was steaming. “I am not a timeshare! I am your wife!” I yelled.
    “Then start acting like it!” he screamed back at me. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to just slap the words right out of his mouth. Anger. Burning anger was sizzling deep within my core.
    “What the fuck would you know about being a good spouse? Because quite honestly Nick, you’re not exactly an expert. Why don’t you try to be a husband to me?”
    “I’m here! Am I not standing right in front of you trying to work this out? Are you not trying to push me away for the millionth time? I’m trying, Layla! You’re the one checking out on me!” His voice was like thunder. He had never yelled at me like that. And for the first time in my life I was scared of him.
    But I didn’t know what to say. His words washed over me like dirty water. Dirty water on my dirty soul.
    “You have one week.” I said simply. I said it calmly. Too calmly.
    “One week? What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “One week to figure this out. If you don’t. My lawyer will be calling you.”
    “Don’t you dare give me an ultimatum. Don’t you dare, Layla!”
    “What?” I asked incredulously.
    “Marriage means two people sticking together no matter what. You and I are in this together. We’re going to figure out this mess together.”
    “No. I‘m done. Figure this out on your own.” Nick’s cell phone rang and it only pissed me off more.
    He looked at the caller ID and cursed under his breath. “I have to take this; it’s my manager. Don’t do anything. Just stay here.” He clicked on the phone and answered, sitting down on the couch in the foyer.
    I listened to his side of the conversation. Already I could tell that whoever was calling was upset, and it was only making Nick more angry. I turned away to look at myself in the hallway mirror. All traces of happiness were completely gone. My eyes were stone cold and had seeped into a deep green. I glanced at Nick’s reflection and saw that he was looking at me. And God help me, I stared back. I didn’t want to cry, but I could feel my eyes burning with warm tears.
    Nick clicked off his cell and slowly walked up behind me. He slipped his long fingers through the belt loops of my

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