The Rogue's Surrender (The Nelson's Tea Series Book 3)

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Book: The Rogue's Surrender (The Nelson's Tea Series Book 3) by Katherine Bone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Bone
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    Mercy backtracked around the desk and bolted across the cabin. “I will do what I please,” she screamed, opening the glass cabinet and grabbing the first thing she could, a container of liquor. She threw the bottle, hitting him square across the shoulder. The glass shattered, spraying him with brandy.
    His howl sent a shudder of fear hurtling through her veins. “More fuel for the fire, eh?”
    Backed against the door, she lifted her skirt slowly.
    “What are you doing?” He froze.
    His reaction was exactly what she’d hoped for. Keeping her eyes trained on him, she reached for a knife sheathed around her thigh, flipped the leather holster and brandished the blade before her.
    “I will kill you if you come any closer.”
    “You little hoyden. There is a better way to come to terms than this.” He leaped forward.
    “Whose terms?” She threw the knife.
    The blade sliced through his upper arm on its way to the bulkhead behind him. He straightened and answered her. “Mine.”
    She picked the water pitcher off the sideboard and heaved it toward him in order to dance around the desk.
    He ably caught it, but the distraction was enough to allow her time to climb over the chair, reach into her boot and snatch another hidden blade. Hearing him approach, she spun quickly, meeting Seaton toe-to-toe, slashing his sleeve.
    Mercy moved to swipe his leg out from under him on his left side, but he caught her hand, lifted her arm, and squeezed her fingers until they turned blue. “I am not here to hurt you.”
    “Liar!” Her treacherous digits sprang loose. The knife plunked to the floor.
    “I wouldn’t lie about this, little heathen. I won’t fight you. I’m here to help you. You must believe me. I mean you no harm.”
    She wrenched her hand free then backed toward the stern window, grabbing one of the lanterns hanging on an iron peg. If she could just slow him down, she could climb out of the window and jump into the bay and swim to Santa Clara Island before it was too late, even if she had to manage the currents to do so. She was a brilliant swimmer.
    “What do you plan to do with me? Flog me? Use me, pass me on to your crew then kill me?” She raised the lantern to strike. “I will die before I allow you or anyone else to touch me.”
    “Devil damn me.” He growled, the baritone rumbling deep in his chest like a wounded animal. “Simon sent me to help you.”
    “Simon?” She stopped cold. “How? By trapping me like an animal, señor ?”
    “No. This.” His reflexes were surprisingly fast for someone with impaired vision. He grabbed her arm, stripping the lamp from her hand then stared into her eyes for agonizing seconds before setting the lantern safely aside. “I’m a captain trying to save his ship from a wench trying to burn it down.”
    She tried to yank free. “Then act civilized.”
    He backed away, angling his face towards her as he lifted his arm and inspected his ruined coat sleeve. “Civilized? Who’s bleeding, eh? This is going to cost you.”
    While he examined the blood staining his coat, she reached into her corset and retrieved the blade stored there. The steel sang into the quiet. “No, señor . You are the one who has lost. This is not your ship… not anymore.” She regretted the lie as soon as it came out of her mouth.
    Seaton’s nostrils flared and an unspoken declaration of war materialized between them. He lunged for her retreating form. Hampered by her flowing skirts, Mercy was easily caught. He turned her to face him, leaned her backward over his arm, and twisted the knife cruelly out of her fingers. She elbowed him in the face as the blade fell to the floor.
    He grabbed her hands, wrenching them behind her, forcing her body flush with his, entrapping her in his embrace. “You little hoyden.” Blood trickled from his nose.
    Mercy fought back panic. “Wh-What are you doing?”
    “I did not come here to harm you.”
    She struggled against his tightening arms. “You

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