The Reluctant Bride

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Book: The Reluctant Bride by Kathryn Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Alexander
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looks promising….”
    A stab of guilt pierced her heart. She was enjoying the present far too much to consider the future. His or hers. And she wanted to know more about his past.
    “Rob, tell me about Nick. What was he like?”
    “We grew up on the same street, started kindergarten and went all through school together.” He smiled. “We played army and cops and robbers after school. Then came Little League, and junior-high basketball. We both learned to drive the same summer.” Rob stopped speaking, and Micah walked along with him in silence.
    “I'm trying to think how to describe him. Confident, I guess, and happy…funny…self-disciplined…optimistic…a good judge of people. He'd have made a great lawyer.”
    Too soon they reached their destination, and Rob swung open the black wrought-iron gate. They entered, walking through the courtyard to Micah's front door.
    “Rachel always said Nick was a gentleman. I think that's a good word for him.”
    Micah unlocked the door, and they stepped inside.“Then Nick was a lot like you,” she offered, looking up at the warmth she knew she'd find in his eyes.
    Rob took Micah easily into his arms, gently pulling her close. “You've reminded me to be a gentleman at a most inopportune moment, you know.”
    “Sorry.” She whispered the insincere apology with a tender smile.
    “Me, too,” Rob responded, the words nearly smothered as his mouth descended to meet hers in a kiss that slowly weakened every fiber of Micah's resolve. But, too soon, Rob pulled away, brushing her forehead with a tender “Good night.” Then he stepped out into the courtyard again and was gone. With no mention of tomorrow.

Chapter Five
    “H i, stranger,” Carole said when Micah walked into the otherwise empty beauty salon. “I was just cleaning up. Want to get a sandwich with me?”
    “Sure. I didn't have a chance to eat after school. I am kind of hungry.”
    “Kind of? I'd think you'd be starved. It's almost nine o'clock.”
    Micah shook her head. She hadn't had much of an appetite lately. Not since the strawberry pie.
    “So, how's your attorney?” Carole's brown eyes flashed with mischief as she looked up from the sink she was rinsing.
    “He's not my attorney, or my anything apparently,” Micah replied quietly. She turned down the air conditioner the way she knew Carole did at closing time. “Are you ready to go?”
    Carole shut off the water faucet. “I thought you and Rob were doing fine together.”
    “Not exactly,” came Micah's soft reply.
    “Why not?” Carole persisted. “What happened?”
    “I haven't heard a word from him for eight days.”
    “But who's counting, right?” Carole frowned and started sweeping the floor. “That seems so odd. I really thought you had a thing going.”
    Micah shook her head and reached for the dustpan to hand it to Carole. “Are you almost ready?”
    “What did you do to scare him away?” Carole asked bluntly while ignoring Micah's question. “Tell him about your dislike for the legal profession? I swear, Micah, if you don't stop being so paranoid—”
    “No,” she interrupted. “Nothing like that. I mean, we had really nice times together. At least, I thought we did. We ate dinner at my apartment that first night. I tried to tell him that I wouldn't be good for him, but he refused to listen. He said he was willing to take that chance. And we've been together two other evenings.”
    “Three dates in a row? Then nothing?”
    Micah nodded, not trusting her wavering voice with a reply.
    “Wow,” Carole commented. “What did you say to him?”
    “We've talked about all kinds of things, but nothing that would explain this.”
    “Did you get too preachy with him about your Christianity? You have a way of doing that, you know.”
    “No, I didn't. Actually, he brought up the subject. And if I seem pushy about it, that's because it's important to me. I certainly don't want a future with someone who doesn't share my beliefs, and I

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