The Reckoning
resourcefulness! It makes me quite nervous about meeting him.
    ‘ Of course, Papa won't have direct care of The Prisoner –that's the job of the new Governor, Hudson Lowe – but the naval defences are his responsibility. Papa says it's even more nerve-racking than the blockade at Brest during the war, for at least then you knew which were the enemy ships. The inshore squadron has orders to fire a signal gun at the approach of any ship, which means in clear weather when they are still fifty miles off. As soon as the signal gun is heard, the shore battery is manned as a precaution – five hundred guns, enough to blow anyone out of the water.
    ‘ Admiral Cockburn says that General Bonaparte can be charming, but he's very temperamental. His moods change quickly, and he takes offence easily, sometimes at the stran gest things. Papa says that's because he's quite mad. He says all emperors are mad, and that if they don't start off that way, being emperor makes them so. However, I am still looking forward to speaking to the great man, and I shall write and tell you All as soon as it has happened.’
    The question of the incompatibility of imperial sovereignty and mental health was being so warmly debated that none of the three of them noticed the approach across the sands of two tall gentlemen. They were brought up short with surprise when their way was blocked, a tall hat was swept off, and a voice said,
    ‘ Miss Sophie Morland – how very pleasant! Lady Rosa mund, if I don't mistake? And the good Miss Rosedale! How do you all do? How charming to meet you here like this.’
    Even Miss Rosedale was too taken aback for a moment to know quite how to reply; and it was Rosamund, the least acquainted of the three – for she had not been 'out' when he was around – who responded.
    ‘Mr Hawker, is it not? How do you do?' she said with cool friendliness, holding out her hand. 'We have never been introduced, but you are a sort of cousin of mine, by marriage at least.'
    ‘ Indeed, ma'am, and of course I knew your mama very well in Vienna at the time of my honeymoon. How is Lady Theak ston?'
    ‘ Just the same,' Rosamund said shortly. She looked at Sophie, who was blushing with a variety of consciousnesses. Sophie had not been made a party to all the secrets, but of course she knew there had been something strange about Fitzherbert Hawker's marriage to her half-sister Fanny. His name was never spoken except with revilement by Papa and Uncle Ned, and so she didn't know whether she ought to acknowledge him.
    Hawker was smiling at her now. 'Come, sister Sophie, won't you know me? You were at my wedding, you know.' That was true. Sophie felt she could not do otherwise than offer her hand, and he pressed it so gently and smiled so kindly that she felt at once he must have been misjudged. Hawker then turned to Miss Rosedale with a grave look.
    ‘ You, ma'am, I believe, were my poor Fanny's best friend.' When she did not acknowledge his words, he added in a low voice, 'You and I share the greatest grief. I loved her, you know – no-one could have loved her more.’
    His eyes, his expression, his voice were all perfectly sincere. Miss Rosedale felt the sudden pressure of tears in her throat, and found herself clasping his hand almost before she knew it. But after all, she thought, as she recovered herself, it could do no harm now. Poor little Fanny was dead; and it would be better for everyone if there were never to be a hint that her marriage was not all it should have been.
    ‘ What brings you to Scarborough, Mr Hawker?' Miss Rosedale asked evenly. 'I would not have thought it would be quite to your taste.’
    He smiled disarmingly. 'Too slow, you mean – too provin cial? Well, ma'am, I'm a little surprised myself to be here. It's certainly a long way from Vienna! But I came here at the urgent request of a friend, who is convalescing with the aid of Scarborough's noted air and waters.’
    With a turn of his head, he brought their

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