The Ravine
forgive our debtors” and “forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” He realized how powerful these words were when they were lived, not just recited, like he had done in church as a little boy. Tony wrote back to Kevin to tell him how touched he was, and that he would, of course, be happy to see him.
    Danny read the letter over about six times. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Why would a guy he almost killed want to come to see him to forgive him? At first he was touched, and he even found himself holding the letter and tearing up a bit. He started to talk to God, and a newfound sense of freedom began to come over him. But then the voice began to whisper: There was something fishy about the whole thing. This Grant guy must want something. Maybe he was just doing this to make himself look holier than thou. Maybe he wanted to go to the press and say, “Look at me! Look at what a great guy I am.” Just because Danny was in prison didn’t mean that anyone was better than him.
But Kevin Grant could be useful
, the voice advised him.
Meet with him
Maybe he’ll help you earn a “get out of jail early” card
. Danny thought using some of the scripture he’d learned might do the trick. Always mix in some truth with a lie. He looked in the mirror.
Never forget who you are, Danny
, he said to himself,
and never again let anyone take advantage of you
    His psychologist was pleased that Danny wanted to ask for forgiveness and helped him write his response:
    Dear Mr. Grant
    I was very touched to receive your letter. Of course I would be happy to meet with you, but I don’t know that I am worthy of such forgiveness. I have studied the Bible, and have come to love Jesus, but I am nowhere near being a forgiving person. The truth is that I am bitter about being in jail and seeing my life slip away, unable to do the simple things in life because of my mistakes. I hope we can meet soon because I want to reach the point where I can be free of my anger, and I am sure that just seeing you and being forgiven by you would help tremendously
    I am very grateful for your offer
    Yours in Christ
    Danny Turner

    The warden was a little suspicious of Kevin Grant’s true motives. After all, it would be pretty embarrassing if Mr. Grant actually had retribution on his mind rather than forgiveness. But after meeting with him, he agreed to permit him a supervised visit with Tony and Danny.
    He arranged for them to meet in a small conference room that was reserved for family visits. The meeting would be private, except for the presence of a prison guard.
    Danny was the first to arrive. He was lead into a nondescript room that was painted the sort of muted color he had come to expect in institutions. He sat there in the room alone, and looked out the window. It was clear, except for the wire embedded inside the glass. In the distance, beyond the prison wall, he could see the town of Chillicothe, the church spires rising up above the surrounding buildings. It was two in the afternoon; outside the sun was shining and he knew the temperature was in the nineties. The air conditioner hummed away, so it was almost chilly inthe room. He was glad he would see Tony, but had his doubts about how things would go with Grant. He still could not believe the guy was for real.
    The door opened, and in walked Tony. They had not seen each other in over a year, but they had spoken on the phone a few times. They hugged and then stepped back to look at each other.
    “Man, you look great,” Danny said, a little envious. “You look like you’ve been on vacation in the Caribbean or something!”
    “You look good, too, Little Brother,” Tony replied, but he was a little alarmed by the stilted sadness he detected in his brother’s eyes.
    They knew they only had a few minutes before Kevin Grant arrived, and so they talked quickly back and forth about how amazing it was they were having this meeting. Tony was totally convinced Grant

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