The Rain Began to Fall

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Book: The Rain Began to Fall by A. K. Hartline Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. K. Hartline
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you draw somebody other than Wade, you might hang in
there. Either way, he’ll get you in the end, buddy.” He laughed and produced a
loud belch, then walked away.
    He turned back to
Leigh, who was once again sitting on the hood of her car.
    “Sounds like I’m
done already, doesn’t it?” he said, chuckling and smiling that ever-confident
    “I think some of
these guys talk bigger than they are,” she responded, returning his smile,
displaying a perfect row of pearly white teeth.
    “Well, one’s bit
the dust already, so I guess I’ll just have to keep proving it, won’t I?” he
said. He hooked his thumbs into his belt loops and leaned heavily back against
the front of her car. She slid down off the hood, and stood beside him, their
shoulders touching.
    A moment of
silence fell between them as they watched Wade pull back down the stretch from
his successful race against the Olds. Kyle was glad, with some distance now
between the overwhelming desire he had felt a moment ago, that they had been
interrupted. What had he been thinking? Just today he had managed to check
himself and keep things on track, but tonight, he had almost blown it. He had
never wanted to kiss a girl so badly in his life; but how did he know for sure
that he couldn’t seal the deal right now? Maybe she would fall in love
with him. Maybe she was in love with him. The fact that she was even
here indicated a major willingness on her part.
    “You’re taking a
chance coming out here, aren’t you?” he asked, breaking the silence.
    “It’s one I wanted
to take, Kyle, or I wouldn’t be here,” she responded sincerely, then softly bit
her bottom lip. He looked quickly at her, raising his eyebrows. She stared
straight ahead, immediately regretting her response, realizing it only served
to add weight to their quasi relationship. But it had been a direct, honest
statement, spoken unexpectedly and boldly from her heart.
    Wade had now
parked on the side of the road and climbed out of his car amidst a group of
guys that were clapping him on the back and congratulating him on his win.
Billy was, of course, right by his side, pumping his fist into the air. Wade
opened a cooler that sat on the tailgate of a truck and tossed beers all around
to the crowd. He popped one himself and drained it. Raised voices, laughs and
shouts blended with the sounds of hot-rod motors idling loudly.
    The wind was up;
late March winds bringing in early April, as Kyle continued staring at Leigh,
weighing her heart felt comment. She could see him watching her out of the
corner of her eye, and she finally turned her head slowly into his gaze. Their
eyes met and searched each others, an unspoken communication, both conveying
that primal, ages old desire of man for woman, woman for man. I don’t know
anything about him , she thought. But oh how I want to. Over his
shoulder, she saw Wade heading toward them. He walked up, belching loudly, hat
in hand.
    “Hey man, time to
draw again,” Wade announced loudly, breathing hard. “Did you see me blow that
Olds away?”  He held the hat unceremoniously out to Kyle, and the
remaining winners walked up to draw as well.
    “Didn’t notice,”
Kyle answered nonchalantly, with a cocky smile that Wade wanted to wipe off his
face more than anything.
    “Well, you will if
you draw me,” Wade sneered, now flanked by his faithful cohort Billy. Leigh
watched this exchange with amusement. Male testosterone in action , she
thought. Kyle drew, and the rest followed.
    “You get Rusty!”
Billy exclaimed enthusiastically. “He’s got the Cuda. Don’t guess you’ll get to
race Wade. Too bad! Rusty’s the fastest around here, besides Wade of course!”
Wade laughed and clapped Billy on the back.
    “You know it
Billy,” he said. He looked back at Kyle, pointing. “You’re up, bud.” With that,
he and the group walked away.
    Kyle turned back
to her, and she was shaking her head.
    “What a bunch of
goofs you guys are!” she

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