The Plug's Daughter

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Book: The Plug's Daughter by Nika Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nika Michelle
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shape, with light brown skin, innocent, honey colored eyes, thick lips and deep ass dimples. She usually wore sew-ins or braids, but she had her own hair. Not only was she fine, but she was actually classy and smart. She was always a good student and was going to earn her nursing degree in a few months. Dame wasn’t worth her losing all of that. Her first priority should’ve been her son.
                  “That was Denise. She a chick I met at the gas station a month or so ago. That hoe don’t mean shit to me. We fucked a few times and when I stopped callin’ her she decided to start stalkin’ my ass. Of course she found out where the trap’s at, so she followed me here from there and shit.” He took a few pulls of the good smelling bud and passed it to me.
                  I took it gratefully and took one long pull after another.
                  He shrugged his shoulders and continued. “I’m sick and tired of these hoes man. I’m good to them and…”
                  I tuned that bi-polar ass sounding nigga out. He wasn’t good to anybody, not even himself. Then I stopped and thought about it. Who was I to talk? I didn’t sell coke or crack, but I was still living up to white America’s stereo-type of the black man by selling weed. I didn’t gang bang or do drive bys, but I still toted a glock nine. Not only did I carry that shit, but I wasn’t afraid to use it. Did that make me a menace to society too? In my eyes I was just armed to defend myself, not to end lives for no reason at all.
                  But still, I’d end a life for a reason.
                  “Dame, man, seriously, you need to slow the fuck down. Arica’s a good girl and she’s okay wit’ you messin’ around with Deliah. Don’t fuck up what you got. You gon’ get yourself or somebody else killed and you got kids to think about.”
                  He nodded. “You’re right man. My sister wives both fine as shit. I should be satisfied, but I ain’t though. I love new pussy man.”
                  All I could do was sit back and try to get comfy on the sofa. Something told me not to get too damn comfortable though. A woman scorned could make a weapon out of anything. As we got high all I could think about was Arica coming downstairs to kill Dame because she was fed up. What if she forgot all about our own friendship and killed me too because she thought I was enabling his cheating ways.
                  After the blunt was gone I realized that it was too damn quiet. What if Arica was plotting for real? I stood up and decided to get my ass up out of there. Dame was my boy and shit, but he’d got himself in that fucked up ass situation. I’d filled him in on what had gone down with Elena and I couldn’t believe that he called himself warning me.
    “You better watch out for that hoe and her nigga,” he advised me.
                  I smirked at him. “Yeah nigga, whatever. You the one who need to watch out.”
                  “Oh yeah.” There was a thoughtful look on his face. “I got some shit to talk to you about my nigga. What happened earlier threw me off.”
                  I agreed with a nod. “Oh yeah, that proposition that you mentioned. That shit threw us both off.”
                  Dame’s eyes drifted over to the sofa. “Sit down nigga. Let’s talk.”
                  The skeptical side of me wanted to get the hell up out of there, but he was my boy. “A’ight.” I sat down. “This shit better be good man.”
    Chapter 5
                  That ignorant ass nigga wasn’t trying to hear anything that I was trying to tell him. All he wanted to do was get his damn dick sucked. Well, we were not on the same fucking page.
    “Go ahead Trell,” I pushed him

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