The Outrider (Redbourne Series #5 - Will's Story)

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Book: The Outrider (Redbourne Series #5 - Will's Story) by Kelli Ann Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Ann Morgan
the room, lit by two large curtain-bordered
    Grace pulled the scarf from around her neck and
set it on the empty chair next to her, then looked up at Elizabeth, waiting.
    Elizabeth shook her head. “It’s a long story.”
    “My favorite kind.”

    Will’s heart swelled as they crested the summit
down into the valley of Stone Creek.
    Redbourne Ranch could be seen in the distance and
the thought of Lottie’s home cooking made his mouth water. Sven could do many
things, but preparing a tasty meal wasn’t one of them.
    They’d made sure that Otis would be well taken
care of in Colorado City before seeing Mr. Warding into Denver. Will stretched
in the saddle and took a deep breath of afternoon air, enjoying the familiar
smells of the surrounding land. This last ride had taken something out of him.
    “Why don’t you join us for supper?” he asked Sven.
“Lottie always makes more than enough, and if you are as tired as I am, it will
do you some good to have a place to hang your hat for the night.”
    “I’d be much obliged. Thank you, Will.”
    As they pulled up in front of the ranch, Leah
Redbourne descended from the homestead, wiping her hands on her apron, to greet
    Will’s body ached and he struggled to keep
himself upright in the saddle. He hadn’t felt so bone tired in a long time. A
hot bath and a shave sounded like heaven. If his mother had anything to say
about it, he would have both before he would be allowed into the kitchen.
    The heavenly aroma of freshly baking biscuits
clenched his gut, the scent itself melting in his mouth as it wafted through
the front door of the house and reached his nose. He dismounted with some
effort, but with a grin on his face that extended from ear to ear, he greeted
his mother with a bear-like embrace.
    “I invited Sven to eat with us,” he said, looking
down at her. “I hope that’s all right.”
    “Well, of course it is,” she said, squeezing his
arm. She turned to Sven. “You are always welcome, Mr. Anderson. I’ll start
heating some water for you both to clean up before supper.”
    Will smiled to himself. It was good to be home.
    “Your father and Tag just returned from Texas
this morning. It’ll be nice to have so many of us together tonight.” Leah
gathered her apron and turned back for the house.
    Will’s gut dropped. He had tried to tell his
parents multiple times over the last few months that he would be leaving
Redbourne Ranch for a short while, but hadn’t been able to voice the words. He
didn’t think his mother would view five years as such a short while, especially
so soon after returning home from university.
    Will loved his family. He loved ranching and the
clarity it provided him, but he still yearned for something more. The
University of London wasn’t expecting him for a while, though he’d be leaving
for Boston in the next few weeks to purchase his ship and hire a crew.
    His new position at the university would allow
him time and means to explore—an adventure he couldn’t wait to begin. With only
a few weeks remaining, he aimed to make the most of his time here at the ranch
and would tell everyone when the time was right.
    It took a while for them to brush down, water,
and feed the horses, but when they made their way into the back stall of the
barn, they were greeted by two over-sized, elongated basins that had been
filled with hot water. Steam rose from the top like a hazy fog over the
mountainside. Towels draped over the gate. Fresh cakes of soap, two
straight-blade razors, and a hairbrush had been laid out in front of a mirrored
    Will closed his eyes in gratitude as he inhaled
    “You weren’t kidding. It’s like your own personal
bath house right at home.” Sven didn’t waste any time removing his clothes and
sinking down into the warm water. “This kind of living could do a man good.”
    Will laughed. “Just wait.”
    “Will,” Hannah called from somewhere toward the
front of

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