The Orphan's Dream

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Book: The Orphan's Dream by Dilly Court Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dilly Court
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and Zilla. She had disliked the woman the moment she clapped eyes on her. ‘I’m not sure about this.’
    â€˜For God’s sake, stop looking down your nose at me. I’m a businesswoman first and foremost,’ Zilla said angrily. ‘My girls aren’t slaves. They come and go as they please, and they’re well treated. Your little friend will be looked after.’
    Mirabel opened her mouth to argue but at that moment Gertie uttered a moan. ‘This is getting us nowhere,’ Jack said impatiently. ‘She might be small but I’m getting cramp. Lead on, Zilla.’
    She hesitated for a moment, glaring at Mirabel, and then seeming to relent she led the way down a long passageway to a door at the far end. Mirabel followed them, not knowing quite what to expect. She had read lurid descriptions of houses of ill repute in penny dreadful novels she had borrowed from Cook, who was addicted to them. She was vaguely disappointed to enter a comfortable parlour such as might be found in any middle-class home, the only difference being that there was a bed in one corner, but otherwise it was tastefully furnished with a chintz-covered sofa and armchairs and the windows were draped in matching fabric. Zilla lit an oil lamp and placed it on a table close to the bed. ‘It’s quiet in here. She won’t be disturbed.’
    Mirabel watched anxiously as Jack laid Gertie on the mattress. ‘She’ll wake up when the laudanum wears off. She’ll be scared when she realises she’s not with me.’
    â€˜I’m perfectly capable of looking after her.’ Zilla drew the covers up to Gertie’s chin, stooping to brush a lock of hair off the girl’s face. ‘I promise you that she’ll be well cared for.’
    Jack placed his hands around Zilla’s slim waist and twirled her round to face him, planting a kiss on her full lips. ‘Thank you, my love.’
    With the recoil of a snake she raised her hand and slapped his face, leaving scarlet imprints of her fingers. ‘That’s for taking me for granted, Jack Starke.’
    Mirabel held her breath, waiting for Jack to react, but he released Zilla, grinning ruefully as he rubbed his cheek. ‘You’re still the same firebrand you always were, Zilla my darling.’
    â€˜I’m nobody’s darling.’ She smiled and brushed his lips with a kiss. ‘Don’t ever assume you can be free and easy with me. My favours are not bestowed lightly.’
    â€˜You loved me once.’
    â€˜Long ago, Jack. That was a long time ago.’
    He nodded his head. ‘You still pack a punch, Zilla.’
    Mirabel tugged at his sleeve. ‘Perhaps we should leave now?’
    â€˜That’s the first sensible thing you’ve said.’ Zilla moved to the door and opened it. ‘I suppose you’ll be leaving port soon, Captain?’
    â€˜I haven’t as yet found a cargo, but I can’t afford to have the ship lying idle for long.’
    â€˜You’ll come again before you set sail?’
    â€˜It’s a promise. We’ll see ourselves out, Zilla.’
    â€˜Thank you for taking Gertie in,’ Mirabel said, pausing in the doorway. ‘I am grateful.’
    â€˜So you should be. I’m not running a charity.’
    â€˜I’d like to visit her if I may.’
    Zilla put her head on one side, curling her lip. ‘You would dare to be seen visiting such a place?’
    â€˜What do you take me for, Miss Grace?’
    â€˜To be perfectly frank I think you’re a spoilt little rich girl who’s never done a hard day’s work in her life.’
    â€˜That’s not fair, Zilla.’ Jack laid his hand on Mirabel’s shoulder. ‘You don’t know anything of this girl’s life.’
    â€˜I see you have a champion, Miss Cutler.’
    â€˜I can speak for myself. You’re welcome to your opinion, but you’re wrong. Goodbye, Miss

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