The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

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Book: The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1) by Matthew M. Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew M. Johns
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the children. “Nobody, powered by the Void or members of the
Fallen Host, may cross the threshold established by the faithful building and
maintaining of this house. Should they attempt to break through, they become
forcefully discharged. Others, thralls of demons, have the ability to cross the
threshold, but often become violently sick.
generations ago, my ancestors built this house and dedicated it to the work of
the Lord of Creation. Legend also tells that my ancestors offered shelter, at
risk to their own lives, to some travelers who turned out to be angels. When
they left, they strengthened our threshold twenty-fold for as long as we offer
sanctuary and honor the Word.”
russet man beside Oswald spoke, “For the threshold to act that drastically, it
had to be something in service to the Void which threw power at it.”
    As he finished
speaking, a voice from the other side of the door called out. “We seek the
Sword Bearer and his kin. Surrender them and we will leave you in peace.”
russet man tossed back his head and laughed loudly. “Hollow words,” he
bellowed, “servant of the Deep Darkness. Leave now, before my Coterie brothers
and I hunt you down and strip you of your false life.”
reigned for several minutes before an answer came. “Sword Bearer, you will have
to leave this sanctuary sooner or later. When you do, the Void Riders will come
after you.”
    As if to
enforce these words, a hound bayed a deep, haunting howl. Horses’ hooves beat
against the road signaling the riders’ departure. Soon the sound of the hounds
and hooves disappeared into the distance.
looked into the russet man’s eyes. “Thank you,” he began, but the man
interrupted him by thrusting his arm out.
    “I am
First Thunder of Clan Kear’ou .”
you, First Thunder,” David said, grasping him by the forearm and squeezing
firmly. First Thunder returned the traditional greeting of the Coterie. David
spoke with great humility in his voice, “Your words have caused those fiends to
rethink their tactics this night. My name is David.”
Thunder released his grip on David and pointed to the door. “The Dark Rider
spoke truthfully, David. Those creatures will be waiting for you to leave the
safety of this sanctuary. Perhaps my brothers and I can help. Where are you and
your band headed?”
    “I have
to get my family to the Central Kingdom.”
    “My brothers
and I are not riding as far as Great Hall, but we are bringing horses to
Council Rock in the Seventh Kingdom. We can get you to South Road and a
sanctuary house there before we leave you.”
honor me, First Thunder,” David said as he placed his fist on his forehead and
bowed his head in a traditional Coterie salute. First Thunder responded in kind
before going back to his traveling companions.
Oswald, the Beagle, and David went back to the children, who had only slightly
relaxed. Brother Oswald was the first to speak. “It is alright, children. We
are safe here. The Oswald Farm has had a strong threshold for many generations.
It will protect you while you rest.”
responded, “We should probably get to our rooms. I want us to leave at dawn’s
first light.”
Mel spoke up. “Who was that man at the door with you?”
    “His name
is First Thunder, and in answer to your next question, he is a Coterie member.
The Coterie are another of the twelve chosen races. They are all reddish in
skin color, but with a multitude of differences in tone and shading. You
probably didn’t notice from back here, but they have hard ridges above their
eyes instead of eyebrows. Similar ridges are found on their knuckles, down
their spines, and (for some) their temples. They are a fierce race that spent a
great deal of time fighting against God instead of for Him. Their Bible makes
the human Bible look like a series of picnic outings. The Deceiver nearly
destroyed their whole world before the Coterie gained

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