The Murder Suite: Book One - The Audrey Murders

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Book: The Murder Suite: Book One - The Audrey Murders by Leonie Mateer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leonie Mateer
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    Audrey took pride in her suites.   She tried not to think about her financial situation.  She only had a few months to go to either sell the property or face forced liquidation. 
                  She knew the locals would take pleasure in her demise.  They thought her foolish with her money and she felt they were a little envious of her success. But Audrey was not going to let anything spoil her good mood.   Only three days to go and she would have a new project to take her mind off things.   She had done a little research on her weekend guest in Suite C and she was looking forward to his arrival.  
    The phone was ringing in her suite.  Audrey ran downstairs to answer it. “Three Suites” she sang into the phone “Can I help you?” 
    “Audrey?  Is that you?  
    “Yes” she answered cautiously.
    “It’s Pearl.  Isn’t it awful about the guy who was staying at your suites?  What was he like?   They are still searching for him in the bay. The divers have been there all morning. Do you think he tried to commit suicide? “ 
    Audrey knew who Pearl was.  She had talked to her on occasion, sometimes in the local grocery store and sometimes at the waterfront restaurant.  She seemed like a bit of a busy body.  Audrey knew the best way to get rid of her was to say nothing. 
    “Yes, it is awful” she said. “I have no idea what happened.  He seemed like nice guy.” She paused. “I’m so sorry, Pearl, but I have to go. I have guests arriving any minute and I still have some cleaning to do.  Nice talking with you.” And with that she hung up the phone.
    “Bloody hell” she said out loud.   She knew that would not be the last of Pearl.  This was the most exciting thing to have happened to the small settlement of Whangaroa and the locals would be reveling in every moment of the intrigue.
    C H A P T E R   2 8
    Driver ordered Blackmore’s credit card records. They would be faxed to his office shortly.   He had stopped by the pub and talked to the couple, Marge and Mike, who owned it.  They were both serving at the bar that night.  “It was one of our busiest nights,” they had told him and they honestly did not remember if they served Blackmore or not.  Driver had asked for the receipts from the night’s takings.  Marge agreed to sort them out and he could pick them up on his way back from the incident site in an hour or so. 
    Divers were still in the water.  They had found some clothing, shoes, towels and other miscellaneous stuff.   Driver had guessed it had fallen out of the back of the truck.   There still was no body and the divers said there was a bit of a tow in the bay and confirmed there was a good chance the body had been washed out into the harbor and would be in the open sea by now.    The Pacific Ocean was known for its white water sharks and Driver thought there might not be much of him left if that was the case.  
    He picked up the bar’s receipts on the way back to the station.  He would go through the guy’s credit card records and if he couldn’t find anything of consequence he would have to close the case as an accident and move on.  He was getting pressure from higher up and the cops in Kerikeri were already unanimous the guy had obviously been depressed and extremely drunk and whether or not it was suicide or an accident they didn’t suspect foul play.  Only trouble was - he didn’t have a body yet.
    As soon as Driver pulled into the station he saw the huge furniture truck in the driveway.   Oh shit! I forgot about the furniture arriving.  He noticed his wife’s car was not around so she had not arrived yet.  Driver parked on the road and apologized to the truck driver for keeping him waiting.
    “No worries” said the driver,” We just got here and we’re having a smoke.”
    Driver opened the front door of the house and let the guys in.   “The boxes are all marked with the appropriate room – so just go

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