bundle at me. I have to quickly step forward to grab it. Once it’s in grasp, I give him a raised eyebrow.
Chance sidles over to me, puts an arm around my shoulder and says, “Looks like you’ve got the job kid.”
My gaze goes to him briefly, eyebrow still raised. Seriously? That’s it? No interview or anything? I turn back to toby, who seems to blush more than I do. What? Does he judge his interviewee’s based on looks alone? Not that I’m complaining.
“I do?” I ask them both.
Toby nods.
Alrighty then. “So, um, when do I start?”
Toby shifts back and forth and bites his lower lip.
I suddenly don’t feel so nervous.
“How about right now?” He stammers.
Scratch that. I’m nervous again.
Good thing Chance still has his arm around me, or I’m pretty certain I’d fall to the ground. Getting a job is one thing. But starting now with no mental prep? It’s totally panic attack time.
A demon who is scared of first day of work.
I’m a loser.
A loser that granted has goosebumps from the touch of a cute boy, but a loser none the less.
Dressed in a too big maroon shirt that smells like burnt bread and a visor that pinches my temple, I try not to hover too closely to Toby. This is the second time he’s shown me how to wrap a sub. I still can’t figure out how to fold the corners. You’d think it’d be simple for me to accomplish something so mundane. Especially if I can live in a house full of demons and survive to tell about it. But alas, I’ve been conquered by a lopsided roll.
Sighing, I follow Toby to the register and watch admiringly as he rings up the customer. I have yet to try this part, but then I’ve only been here for a couple of hours now. Honestly, and I think he’s embarrassed to say this, but I’m sure he’s scared to let me near the register. After dropping my fair share of subs, I don’t blame him. He probably thinks I’ll drop money and short change someone. I think that too.
As I mimic Toby’s pleasant smile to the hundredth anonymous customer, I happen to look over to the dining room. To the only customers that were nice enough to stick around, long after they throw their garbage in the trash (and not everyone does that fyi – I’ve already had to clean numerous sticky tables). Those being Chance and Ashley. My new favorite people in the world.
Most of the friends that were with Ash when I first got here, already left. Save one, who I think might be the prized Jane. The one she slummed Chance on me for. Not that I mind in the least. The two of them are poring over magazines and laugh every so often. I feel a pang seeing them like that. It makes me long for my sister.
Not in that way though.
Just in a way that makes her family. Out of them all, she was the only one that never really threatened me with bodily harm. Not that I ever really gave her the chance. Maybe it was because she was only a year older than me, but whatever the case, she seemed different. Or I could just be wishing for something that was never real. I did steal a lot of her reading material though. So maybe it’s the magazines I miss. How weird am I? Missing magazines.
Toby slams the register drawer causing me to break from my thoughts. He moves back down the opposite end of the rectangle that makes up out five foot working space. At the end of it is the back room where there are freezers, shelves, sinks, and prep counters. I got the special ‘tour’ when I first clocked in. It’s a lot to take in. But it’s not overwhelming. At least Toby isn’t making it that way at least.
As I follow him into the back (where he no doubt wants to re-show me how to operate the meat slicer – something that hold no excitement, whatsoever) I glace over to Chance. I still can’t believe he’s stayed all this time. It’s not like he’s doing anything either. Other than bothering his sister and her friend, this consists of throwing wads of straw wrappers through his fingers like a football. He
Eve Vaughn
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Michael Axworthy