The Mercenary

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Book: The Mercenary by Cherry Adair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherry Adair
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Twins, Missing Persons, Terrorism, Bookkeepers
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That drain hole is wide enough to suck you right down to the rocks below.” Tory shivered. She’d
    had enough of deep water yesterday when he’d dragged her overboard.
    He pointed out the cement enclosed bathroom standing sentinel discreetly around the corner from the
    entrance. “Only the one on the left still works. They were stuck in here for the tourists, but there haven’t
    been any visitors to the grotto in years.”
    “Why not? The cavern is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
    “Remember the rocks we climbed to get here yesterday? Those crashed down from the cliffs. It isn’t
    safe for tourists at the moment. Besides, since the terrorists claimed Marezzo, they’ve discouraged
    tourism to a certain extent. A few tour groups are allowed in every now and then to preserve their cover.
    But it’s pretty much their island. The locals are all basically keeping a conspiracy of silence. Their lives
    depend on it.”
    Marc pulled the Walther from the small of his back and checked it, ignoring the way Victoria’s eyes
    widened at the sight of the weapon. “I’ll be just outside if you need me. The hot spring is back the way
    we came.”
    THE POOL WAS ABOUTsix feet across and surrounded by water-smoothed rock. The bottom was a
    powdery sand. Tory stripped quickly, then stepped into the hot water, keeping her arm out and dry. The
    heat felt wonderful as she sank in up to her chin, her hair floating around her. Sighing deeply as her aching
    muscles relaxed in the warmth, she closed her eyes against the steam.
    It felt like minutes, but was probably more like half an hour when the sound of his footsteps was
    followed by his irritated voice. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Tory shrieked as she blinked her eyes open to see Marc Savin emerge through the steam. Water
    splashed over the side of the pool as she slithered upright, her hand to her throat.
    “What are you doing here?” she gasped. She’d fallen asleep and it took a moment for her brain to kick
    into gear. Her cheeks flamed as his cold gaze drifted down to where her wet hair clung to her bare skin.
    “What’s taking you so long?”
    One arm was useless as a cover. Tory quickly whipped the towel off the rocks and into the water and
    slapped it over her chest; her knees made little islands above the water as she drew them up to cover as
    much of herself as she could. “I must have fallen asleep. Look, I’ll just finish up here and…Would you
    please leave?” Mortification made her voice choke. She flushed from her hair to her toes.
    He came closer. Tory licked her lips and slid farther under the water with a one-handed death grip on
    the towel. “Please. Just go.” She was afraid to blink. He was already far too close.
    He was wearing jeans.Just jeans. His naked chest was darkly tanned, a thick trail of crisp black hair ran
    in a V down the center. He crouched beside the pool, his knees spread for balance.
    Flushing even more,
    Tory ripped her gaze away from what was now at eye level. If she’d reached out her hand she could
    have touched him, he was that close.
    Her heart rose to her throat. She didn’t know where to look. Tory stifled a whimper.
    Steam moved in lazy swirls around him. His hair was still loose, hanging to his shoulders in a dark shiny
    drift that was disconcerting. She stared at a distant point on the other side of the cave.
    The wet terry
    across her chest felt heavy, forcing her to take deeper breaths. She could feel his stare like fingers sliding
    down her naked skin, and she shivered.
    Managing to look him in the eye she again said in a small voice, “Please. Will you just go away?”
    Marc stared down at the woman in the water. The steam shimmered on her pink skin. It looked smooth
    and soft. Her wet hair effectively blanketed her body, trailing in the water like seaweed.
    A fragrant blob
    of soapsuds slid down her silky shoulder, and dropped to float on top of the water. He knew he should
    leave. It

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