The Mahogany Ship (Sam Reilly Book 2)

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Book: The Mahogany Ship (Sam Reilly Book 2) by Christopher Cartwright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Cartwright
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it wouldn’t be enough to drown the miners below. On the other side of the
submarine, Sam could see Tom taking a long look out the other side.
    “The water’s stopped!” Tom said.
    Sam looked at the position of the hatch, now below his feet.
“That’s great, but I think we’re now resting right on top of the hatch.”
    At the pilot controls of the submarine, Rescue One, Michael
watched the sudden movement of the Sea Witch in horror. Something appeared to
have given way, so that the small submarine started tumbling down the tunnel
    “What the hell happened?” he asked.
    “If I had a guess, I’d say Sam just worked out how to cut
the hydraulic cables for the robotic arm, freeing the Sea Witch to be drawn
further down the tunnel,” Veyron replied.
    “That’s great.”
    “It may be. And it might not.”
    “What do you mean? Why not?”
    Veyron adjusted the angle of his sonar, and said, “Unless
they had the good fortune to land in such a way that they block the tunnel and
also have access to their hatch, we’re going to have to go in there after
    “And, did they have good luck?”
    “How’s the current? Is Rescue One still pulling towards the
    “Yes, but it’s not as strong,” Michael confirmed.
    Next to him, Veyron pulled away from the sonar screen.
    “It’s not where it needs to be?”
    “No. As luck would have it, the Sea Witch appears to be
lying upside down, which means there’s no possible way they can get out.”
Veyron looked at his watch. “And by my calculations, they don’t have much more Hydrox
to breathe. You’d better take us in.”
    “You want me to navigate Rescue One, in there?” Michael was
    “I believe it is the only way we can move the Sea Witch so
that it blocks the flow of water, and saves your miners – that is, if you have
the constitution to keep going?”
    “Damn you, Veyron. They’re my men. Of course, I’ll do it!”
    “Good man. Now, I’d be most obliged if you were to avoid
getting us stuck, too.”
    Sam’s dive watch made an irritating noise, the kind of
grating sound capable of waking the dead. He stared at it, for a moment hoping
his vision was playing tricks.
    He muttered a soft oath - no such luck.
    The timer indicated he was out of Hydrox.
    He knew there’d be a few more minutes of residual Hydrox
inside his dive helmet, but it was mostly irrelevant now. They had run out of
    Concealed inside his dive helmet, Sam displayed a broad last
smile. The sort he was renowned for, which said, he could have it all.
    He and Tom had saved as many as 10,000 people today.
    Not a bad way to die. 
    “Sorry to drag you into this, Tom.”
    “Not your fault Sam. Had to be done.”
    The Sea Witch jolted. “Can you see what happened?” Sam
    Tom moved towards his nearest porthole. “Well I’ll be! Who
would’ve thought, eh?”
    “What?” Sam moved toward the porthole and looked out.
    “Some idiot just piloted Rescue One into the tunnel!”
    Rescue One wasn’t trying to turn them around so that they
could escape. It was attempting to push them further into the tunnel, so they
could block the entire flow of water.
    We must be missing something. The water must still be
flowing beneath us.
    They moved another few feet towards the narrowest point of
the tunnel, and then stopped dead still.
    Sam’s Hydrox supply ran out.
    “Some rescue team. They should’ve come a couple minutes
earlier. We’ve had some fun Tom, but now I’m out. Good luck.”
    “I have another five minutes. I’ll buddy up with you, and
we’ll get out of here alive.”
    “The hell you will. We both know it’s going to take them a
lot more than a couple minutes to rescue you.”   
    “Whatever you like, Sam.” Tom moved above Sam and started to
attach his secondary rescue regulator to the back of Sam’s Hydrox tank.
    Sam tried to move away, but he suddenly found his body no
longer had the strength to fight

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