The Lost Fleet: Genesis: A Slaver Wars Novel
consisting of cargo ships as well as additional warships.
This was the world of Malkor, the primary and most heavily colonized Simulin
world in this galaxy. Around it, numerous orbital stations were present
consisting of massive shipyards, defensive stations, as well as huge space
stations which received and processed raw material being delivered from other
planets and mining operations in nearby systems. This system alone had the
capacity to build large numbers of Simulin warships.
    There were
several other Simulin systems that held very similar shipbuilding capacity.
However, even with all of this at his disposal, Callat still felt uneasy about
the Fitula organics and their AI allies. The ship of the builders of the Great Spheres,
which they possessed, was also a great unknown. Callat was certain of one
thing, if the Simulins hoped to one day control this entire galaxy, then the
Fitula organics and the AIs must be destroyed.
    It was early
the next morning and Jeremy was inside a shuttle along with Admiral Jackson,
Admiral Cleeteus, Andram, Shilum, Mikow, and Kurene. He had thought it
important to bring a number of the Altons, as they were more capable with their
advanced science at being able to understand what they would be seeing on the
Originator ship. There were also four AIs coming along. All were well versed in
science and being led by ZED, who had been working with Kurene for quite some time.
    “I am curious
to see the interior of this ship,” spoke ZED. The AI had a cubicle shaped body floating
slightly above the deck on antigravity repulsors and four flexible tentacles
which it could use to grasp and manipulate equipment. Its head was a glowing
ball of light blue energy about the size of a basketball.
    “We all are,” responded
Kurene, smiling at the AI. She had rushed back from Borton with ZED when
invited by Fleet Admiral Strong to accompany him to inspect the Dominator .
    “The addition
of the Originator’s science to our own will be quite useful,” ZED added.
    “If Kazak
agrees,” Kurene replied.
    “This is the
first time the Originator AI has agreed to allow anyone to visit his ship,”
said Andram. “We must be careful what we say and do so Kazak will come to trust
us. Only then will he be willing to share the science that helped to build the Dominator .”
    ZED remained quiet
as the AI thought over Andram’s words. There was much about Humans he did not
understand though the Altons were much more logical. He knew this trust issue
was important though he still felt confused over it.
    As the shuttle
approached the Originator ship, a massive hatch slid open. The Dominator was five thousand meters long and six hundred meters in diameter. There were no
visible signs of anything that could be used for propulsion on its stern,
though Andram had suggested to Jeremy that the ship might use some type of very
advanced gravity drive.
    “Are we sure
we’re safe in doing this?” asked Admiral Jackson as he gazed ahead at the now
open hatch. They were going on board an alien ship without any security
protection. He had suggested to Admiral Strong that they should at least bring
a squad of Marines along with them but Jeremy had objected, saying they needed
to fully gain the trust of the Originator AI.
    “Kazak and the Dominator have been in orbit around Gaia for quite some time,” Jeremy
replied. “I’m sure if there were going to be problems we would have already
encountered them.”
    “Entering the
hatch,” the pilot said as the shuttle slowed and then eased through.
    Looking out
the cockpit window, Jeremy saw what appeared to be a large flight bay. There were
several small shuttles inside, none of which resembled anything the Federation
used. They resembled the old flying saucers from the late 20th-century science
fiction movies.
    “Atmosphere is
being detected,” the copilot reported as a green light appeared on his console.
“Nearly Earth normal.”
    “So there
won’t be any need for

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