The Lingering Dead

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Book: The Lingering Dead by J. N. Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. N. Duncan
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    â€œHe was investigating the Tannenbaum fire,” Jackie replied. “He wanted to know how I got from there to the hospital quicker than the ambulance did.”
    â€œThat the same guy who showed up at your apartment?”
    Jackie watched the Jeep disappear as they pulled in between the hangars. “Yeah. He doesn’t seem to be leaving well enough alone.”
    Laurel’s voice sounded off in her head. If he thinks he has something, he won’t let it go if he’s any good.
    Jackie turned back to face the front. I know. Let’s hope he sucks. He did not strike her as being some glorified story chaser, though. She would see him again, no doubt about it.
    They pulled up outside a corrugated metal hangar, right next to Nick’s purple Porsche. Shelby popped the trunk lid of Cynthia’s car and stepped out. Jackie sat staring at the gray metal wall, knowing that somewhere on the other side was Nick Anderson, the last person in the world she wanted to see or talk to at this moment.
    Hon, trust me on this. Nick is going to feel just as awkward about this as you do.
    Doubt it. Jackie finally opened the door and stepped out to pick up her bag. She took a deep breath and let it out in a rush. They were starting their first case. This was a new deal, a new lease, a fresh start, and yet she had never felt more frazzled and at loose ends then she did at this moment.
    God, I’m so not ready for this, Laur. What the hell am I doing?
    You’re leading a case, just like you’ve always done, Laurel told her.
    And you know as well as I that this is not like anything I’ve ever done.
    Concept is still the same, hon. Work the case, utilize your resources, and put your coworkers to work. Solve the crime.
    If there was even a crime to solve. Who knew what the hell they were getting into? Still, Laurel was right. As fucked up as everything was, it was still a case. She knew how to work with that.
    At the hangar door, Jackie stopped. Nick stood in the middle of the hangar by the stairs leading up into a sleek, white Learjet with a thick, purple strip running down the side. Emblazoned in matching elegant purple lettering, “S PECIAL I NVESTIGATIONS, I NC.” ran down the side from wing to tail.
    Shelby’s laughter echoed throughout the hangar. “Nice touch, babe. I feel so Criminal Minds now.”
    â€œGood grief,” Jackie whispered. “This is insane.”
    Shush, Laurel chided. Just enjoy the ride. Our sheriff can burn his money anyway he wants to.
    Jackie shook her head and forced her feet to move forward. Just nod and get on the plane. No need to say a word. Nick smiled and nodded at Shelby and Cynthia as they climbed up the stairs into the plane. His smile sagged as Jackie came up to meet him.
    â€œJackie,” he said quietly and bowed his head in acknowledgment.
    She could not look him in the eye or anywhere near his face for that matter. With her hand gripped even tighter on her shoulder bag, Jackie increased her pace and strode passed him. “Hey, Nick,” she muttered and went up the steps two at a time and disappeared into the dark confines of the plane.
    The Lear seated sixteen, four groups of paired, leather seats facing each other. A bar and kitchenette separated them further, making it eight in front and eight in the back. Jackie chose the seat farthest away from the door, hoping everyone would just leave her alone on the flight so she could get herself organized in some way or another. Shelby ruined that by plopping down in the seats across from her, stretching her legs across both seats.
    Her elbow propped on the armrest, chin in hand, Shelby smiled at her. “Can’t ignore him forever, boss.”
    â€œI realize that, Shelby. Thank you.” She made no effort to hide the sarcasm.
    â€œLonger you take, the worse it’ll be, trust me,” she replied.
    â€œI know!” Jackie snapped back, trying to keep her voice down.

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