mark my words.’
‘Don't be too sure o' that, Lardin,’ says a rosy-faced farmer, who has sidled along the bar to within earshot of your conversation. ‘My sister reckons that this time Zegron won't stop till he's flattened everything between Luukos and the Tentarias.’
‘That star-gazin' sister o' yours is full o' good news,’ retorts the dwarf. ‘When 'as she ever seen anything cheerful with 'er telescopes an' charts an' crystal balls, eh? Answer me that!’ Agreement rumbles from the tavern crowd, now openly listening to the discussion.
‘That's as maybe,’ says the farmer. ‘But when 'as she ever been wrong, eh?’ An uncomfortable silence fills the inn, and slowly the crowd return to their own business. No one, least of all the innkeeper, chooses to dwell on the matter any further.
If you wish to ask the farmer where his sister lives, turn to 262 .
If you decide to leave the tavern and continue your journey to Tharro, turn to 318 .
You muster all your strength to fight the deadly poison which has infiltrated your blood. Your improved power of Curing suppresses the pain and slows the progress of the insidious toxin, enabling you to face your would-be assassin. A flicker of surprise registers in the cold, black eyes of your opponent as you stagger to your feet and unsheathe your weapon.
Lose 5 ENDURANCE points and turn to 113 .
The old man steps aside, nursing his injured pride. ‘Teach these upstarts a lesson they'll never forget!’ he shouts, his command ringing in your ears. Without saying a word you and Paido spur your horses to a trot and move rapidly towards the villagers. They had not expected this. Several of them lower their forks and staves and shift nervously in the line.
‘Go!’ shouts Paido and, in a matter of seconds, you have broken through to the clear road beyond. For all their arrogance, the villagers and their vain old mayor are no match for two combat-hardened fighters. You leave the village of Stia without loss or injury and continue your journey north to Tharro.
Turn to 135 .
You stop at noon to rest and review your progress. The starguider's homing signal has strengthened steadily, and Paido is optimistic that you will reach the temple before sundown if you can keep up your present pace. So far you have avoided the Danarg's more hostile inhabitants, but invisible dangers still lurk all around, waiting for you to lower your guard. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
To continue, turn to 220 .
The hold is crowded with travellers on their way north. For most it is a regular journey home after selling their wares in Phoena. Their purses are full and their mood is friendly as they pass the time drinking and playing games of chance.
One of the crew glances up from serving and, wiping his hands on his apron, hurries over to welcome you to the floating tavern. He points to a plank table at the far end of the hold that is bowed beneath the weight of several kegs of ale and platters of food. He asks if you would care for some refreshment.
‘Two jugs of ale,’ replies Paido, reaching for his pouch of crowns.
‘Certainly, sir,’ replies the bargee, in a servile tone. ‘I have three fine ales to delight your palates — Ferina Nog, Chai-cheer, and Bor Brew.’
Paido chooses a jug of Ferina Nog. Which ale will you choose?
If you choose Ferina Nog, turn to 173 .
If you choose Chai-cheer, turn to 218 .
If you choose Bor Brew, turn to 284 .
The track continues along the rock-strewn valley floor through a thicket of stunted trees and climbs slowly towards a ridge of hills, their peaks worn smooth by countless years of wind and harsh weather. You stop briefly at a babbling stream to allow your horses to drink, and your rumbling stomach reminds you that you are hungry and in need of food. You must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
When the horses have quenched their thirst, you continue your climb to the ridge. You
E.M. Bridger
Chris Bradbury
Mary Jane Clark
Samantha Doyle
Becky Wilde
Janel Gradowski
Peter Handke
Stephen A. Bly
Erich von Däniken
Lexxie Couper