The Jock

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Book: The Jock by Jasmine Leveaux Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jasmine Leveaux
Tags: Suspense, Contemporary
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would make certain Ms. Jones had no viable alternative but to
accept him wholeheartedly into her life.
first, there was this to deal with. Sam balled his hands into fists behind
Gwenyth's back as he struggled to calm down. He would find out who had done
this terrible thing if it was the last act he ever accomplished on planet
earth. Nobody but nobody threatened his woman and expected to get away with it.
she was his . Whether or not Gwenyth Marie Jones realized it, her fate
had just been sealed.

Chapter 7
ain't happenin'. Nuh uh. No way. Fer-get it ." Granddad Willy
slashed his hand tersely through the air then planted his fists on either bony
hip. He waggled his eyebrows at Gwenyth in a manner that suggested she could
broach no arguments.
glanced at Willy's newest tee shirt, a neon pink cotton with a slogan that
read: Straight But Not Narrow . Verlene stood beside her husband,
elegantly decked out as usual in a corn blue silk shirt and shorts set. In this
argument, an argument that had been raging in the Jones' Hyde Park home for
over two hours, the family matriarch was unequivocally taking Willy's side.
"I agree with the men this time, sugar. It's best if you stay here with
us. You'll be going to California in two days anyway, so I fail to see why
you're making such an issue of this."
threw Gwenyth a smug look, all but daring her to tell her grandparents why she
was avoiding staying under the same roof as him at all costs. After the police
had left and the furor and shock of the window smashing had died down, she had
gone right back from throwing herself into his arms to hightailing it in the
other direction.
ground her teeth together and shot a desperate glance toward Harry. "You
heard what the police said. They think it was just a silly prank perpetrated by
a bored neighborhood kid!"
sighed as he ran his fingers through his short tawny hair. "Sis, I know
you dislike feeling as though you're being held prisoner here, but it's only
for a couple of nights." His gaze was innocent and fairly pleading.
"Can you please put your safety first and let my contacts in the police
department look into the situation while you're in LA? That way we'll all feel
better about letting you go back to your apartment when you return."
chewed on her lower lip anxiously. She knew her brother was right. Although she wasn't worried over the possibility that a bunch of whining NAMers might
possibly try to do her in, everyone else was. It wouldn't be fair of her to
allow the others to worry—especially her seventy- year-old grandparents—when
she could just as easily stay here and put all their fears for her safety to
glanced at Sam, noting that he harbored the look of a man who knew he was about
to get his way. She could only pray she had the fortitude to not give
him his way in one very important respect. Two nights. She only had to last two
more nights. Then she could spend her time in LA sorting out her rather complex
feelings concerning one overly virile baseball player. "Okay. You
win." She splayed her hands at her sides and sighed. "I'll stay
Willy harrumphed. "'Bout time you used the brain the good lord gave you,
Gwenyth Marie."
motioned for Sam, indicating that he was supposed to carry Gwenyth's suitcases
upstairs. "Now, unless there are any other family crises I need to
straighten out, your Grandmama and I have a date with a bucket of popcorn and
that new docu-drama on the Sci-Fi channel, Alien Playboys ."
raised a brow. His amused Southern lilt was questioning. "Isn't that the
show where women tell stories of how they were abducted by aliens, forced into
sexual servitude, then brought back to earth after they were impregnated by
sir, it is." Willy nodded regally... or as regally as a man could nod
while sporting a hot pink tee shirt. "I believe Jackie Stallone will be on
tonight." He leaned in closer to Sam and whispered in a

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