The Icing on the Cake

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Book: The Icing on the Cake by Rosemarie Naramore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemarie Naramore
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Contemporary Fiction, Teen & Young Adult, Inspirational
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had a wonderful time.  And it’s clear Gracie is so content with
you—much more so than she was with us.”
    As the Williams’ children bid Gracie
goodbye, he looked on, smiling.  After everyone had had a chance to pat her,
Gracie hurried back to Joe, as if fearful he might have a change of heart and
send her packing.
     Suddenly, Pete charged toward them and
knelt down beside Gracie.  He wrapped his arms around her.  “We miss you,
girl.  Don’t think we don’t.  We love Suki, but we still love you…”
    Joe ruffled his hair and escorted him to
the family minivan.  Mary had already climbed into the passenger seat and Jim
was behind the wheel.  Joe stood window-side and bid goodbye to the family. 
Devon joined him, standing close and waving at his new friends.
    As they drove off, Joe draped an arm
around Devon.  “It looks like you have a buddy,” he commented.  “You and Pete
really hit it off.”
    Devon smiled brightly.  “Yeah.  Pete’s
my friend.”  He grinned impishly.  “You know what?  Pete got kicked out of
afterschool care.”
    Joe’s brows rose and he appeared
slightly taken aback.  Devon seemed downright delighted that his new friend had
been ejected from afterschool care.  He wasn’t allowed to ponder the reasons
why, since Ruth joined him as he watched the minivan drive away.
    “Joe!” she said eagerly.  “Lori just
called.  I told her you’re back to town and she’s delighted.  She said she’d
love to see you again.”
    “Oh, okay, sure,” he answered.
    “I hope you don’t mind, but I took the
liberty of giving her your address.  She was so eager to see you again, she
asked if she could stop by now.”
    “Oh, okay, sure,” he repeated, feeling
awkward and uncertain.  Seeing Lori didn’t top his wish list and he wondered
how Kristine might feel about her sister’s arrival.  Maybe she wouldn’t have an
opinion one way or the other, but something told him otherwise.  And something
told him her feelings were justified…
    “Joe!” Lori cried.  “It’s so wonderful
to see you.”  She sent a mock-scolding glance at her mother and sister.  “I
cannot believe these two didn’t tell me sooner about your return to Cooper
    “I only found out a few days ago
myself,” her mother said indulgently.  “And in my defense, you’ve been busy.”
    “True,” Lori said, smiling into Joe’s
eyes.  “But I would have gladly cleared my calendar for Joe.”  She clutched his
hand and held tight.  “What brings you home, Joe?”
    “I moved home,” he told her, gently extracting
his hand.  “My dad is having health issues and…”
    “You’re home for good?” she
interrupted.  “That’s wonderful!”  Her eyes did a pass over the front façade of
his house.  “And your home…  It’s absolutely beautiful.  I’ve always been
partial to the Tudor style myself.  If I ever build a home, it will definitely
be Tudor.”
    “Mommy,” Devon said, as he moved to
stand beside her.  “Joe has a new dog.  Her name is Gracie…”
    “Yes, okay, son,” she said, failing to
look at him.  “Run and play…”
    Joe didn’t miss the wounded look in the
little boy’s eyes.  “Devon, would you like to play a video game?”  He directed
his next words to Lori.  “I have several age-appropriate varieties inside.”
    “Sure, sure,” she said dismissively. 
“Run along, Devon.”
    “I’ll go with you, Devon,” Kristine
said, taking the little boy by the hand.  She paused and gave Joe an inquiring
    “Let me show you where the games are,”
he said.  He turned back to Lori briefly.  “I won’t be long.”
    He led Kristine and Devon into the
family room and pulled several video games from a cabinet beneath the
big-screen TV.  He held them out to Devon.  “Take your pick.”
    Devon grinned and selected a favorite. 
Joe inserted it into the game console and Devon was soon enthralled by the
action on the

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