placed here by a sorcerer, hundreds of years ago, to protect the portal. Although you are momentarily blinded by the explosion, your swift reflexes and your innate healing skills spare you any permanent damage.
To continue, turn to 265 .
A third bolt of energy rips into the nearby wall, showering you with shards of rock. One splinter penetrates your boot leather and lodges in your left foot: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.
To continue, turn to 100 .
You steel yourself for the attack, and then you kick open the door and launch yourself screaming into the chamber beyond. Your sudden appearance catches the robbers completely by surprise, but to your dismay, you soon discover that one of your adversaries is armed with your Kai Weapon which he delights in using against you. 12
Tomb Robbers
(with Kai Weapon)
If you win this combat, turn to 128 .
[12] If your Kai Weapon is ‘Illuminatus’, you may decide that you should add an extra 2 points to the Tomb Robbers' COMBAT SKILL as it is being used underground.
You recite the words of the Old Kingdom Spell Invisible Fist and point your hand at the attacking creature. A ball of concussive energy is released which glances the beast's skull and stuns it. The trooper is able to recover his senses and defend himself as the determined creature stumbles drunkenly towards him, slashing the air wildly with its sharp talons.
Hurriedly you dismount and unsheathe your Kai Weapon. You turn only just in time to counter an attack from the other two creatures that come leaping towards you and Sergeant Yeng.
You may add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat as Sergeant Yeng is fighting the same enemy.
If you win the combat, turn to 295 .
‘Arrest her!’ commands Captain Chan. Immediately, two of his troopers move forward and seize the woman by her arms. She curses them vilely, and then she vents her spleen on Chai and the imperial house of Xo-lin. Chan orders Trooper Yankin to be released at once, and he apologizes to the man for ever having doubted his loyalty.
‘What will become of her now?’ asks Princess Mitzu, as Shavane is led away, kicking and screaming. ‘She shall be banished to the plains,’ replies Chan. ‘We will leave her behind tomorrow, without food or water. She can go seek succour from the enemy.’
To continue, turn to 199 .
You dive and roll through the foliage to avoid the icy missile, but a segment of it breaks free in mid-flight and it skewers the calf of your left leg: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.
If you have survived this painful wounding, turn to 10 .
You carefully insert the blade of your Kai Weapon beneath the lip of the trapdoor and push down on it with all your might. You sense that the portal has been sealed with magic and that it will take great effort for you to negate this protection.
Yansi Trapdoor
(magically sealed)
Conduct the following combat in the usual way. Any ENDURANCE losses you sustain represent the fatigue you suffer while trying to open this magically sealed portal.
You may cease your attempt to open the trapdoor at any time by turning to 118 .
If you win the combat, i.e. if you reduce the trapdoor's ENDURANCE points to zero, turn to 69 .
You use the Old Kingdom Spell Flameshaft to ignite the tip of an Arrow which you send arcing into the enemy command post. As the fire spreads, it fills the tent with clouds of dense grey smoke. Before very long the Bhanarian commander and his four bodyguards come staggering out into the open, gasping for breath, and at this moment you draw your Kai Weapon and lead the attack with your stirring battle-cry: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’
Bhanarian Cavalry Command: COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 50
You may add 3 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat, for you have three Chai troopers fighting by your side.
Dean Koontz
Lynn A. Coleman
Deborah Sherman
Emma J. King
Akash Karia
Gill Griffin
Carolyn Keene
Victoria Vale
Victoria Starke
Charles Tang