The Human Farm (The Human Farm Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: The Human Farm (The Human Farm Trilogy Book 1) by B.R. Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.R. Young
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guardian turned the ships engines up to full and they managed to get to the shore in under an hour. They quickly embarked and found the entrance to the tunnels nearby. The councilor and Kev followed the guardian into the tunnels, it was obvious that the guardian knew just where to go so they let him go first. They could tell by the looks of the tunnels that they had not been used in a long time by anyone including the guardians, there was a lot of dust which was undisturbed except for two sets of footprints in the dust. This told Kev that Dawn was still helping Lili.
                  Kev had plenty of time to think and clear his mind as his traveling companions were not the chattiest of companions. He’d been thinking a lot about what he had done to Lili, he regretted so much the things he’d done and hoped he would have the opportunity to make up for them.   
                  The trio walked on and on for hours, by now Kev had not rested since leaving the ship or eaten anything since breakfast that morning and he was regretting not eating more. He hoped they would find Lili soon or that they would just give up and return home, he didn’t know how much more of this he could take.   
                  They continued walking until they came to a dead-end, it looked as if the tunnel had collapsed at some point during the years of neglect. Kev wondered how Lili and Dawn had managed to get by this point, he’d noticed their footprints stopped at this point but they didn’t go back the way they had come. He also noticed that the councilor and the guardian took no notice of the floor or the footprints.    
                  “They must have turned around and found another way,” said the councilor as he kicked at the pile of rocks blocking their path. “Guardian, is their another way around all of this?”
                  “Affirmative councilor, but it is a long distance from here. It will take several days of walking to get there,” said the guardian.
                  “Councilor if I may, perhaps we should try digging our way through the tunnels while the guardian goes the other way around, surely he could move much faster without us slowing him down,” suggested Kev.
                  “That is affirmative human, without you slowing me I could reach the other entrance in less time,” said the guardian.
                  “Very well, get to work on digging through these rocks,” said the councilor.
                  “As you wish councilor,” said Kev.
                  The councilor leaned against the wall sliding to the floor to rest himself, he couldn’t be bothered to assist in digging through the debris, the guardian left them to head towards the other entrance. Kev began digging near the top of the pile, shifting rocks here and there, taking his time, hoping to buy as much time as he could for Dawn and Lili to gain more ground. He hoped that Dawn would be able to handle one guardian with no problem.   
                  It took nearly three hours of heavy lifting and shoving of rock and dirt before Kev was able to make a hole big enough for them to crawl through the collapsed tunnel and get safely to the other side. He managed to do what Lili and Dawn had not done, he thought ahead. Kev had used some of the rocks as makeshift pillars to support the ceiling to keep it from collapsing further in on itself until they were all the way through.
                  “Would you care to go first councilor?” Kev asked.
                  The councilor looked at the tight space and back at Kev, “No thank you, you first, I want to be sure it’s safe before I go through there.”  
                  “As you wish councilor,” Kev said with a slight smile on his face. Kev had a great plan set in motion. He climbed up the face of the pile and started his way

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