The Governess Club: Claire

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Book: The Governess Club: Claire by Ellie Macdonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Macdonald
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance
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stab of envy hit her stomach. “Lucy, if you aren’t sure about his intentions, do not let him talk you into anything you feel uncomfortable with.”
    Lucy smiled at her. “This ain’t my first time with a gent, miss. If we does it right, I’ll be getting’ jes’ as much out of it as Alfie. I don’t have ideas for anythin’ more.”
    Claire had difficulty fathoming such an attitude. “But do you not want more?”
    “Maybe.” Lucy shrugged. She looked back in the mirror and tucked a stray tendril behind her ear. “I don’t say I’d not like a man and wee ones of me own. But I’ve got time yet, so I figger I can have me some fun while waitin’.” She gave Claire a cheeky smile before sobering again. “And I don’t see nothin’ wrong with a gent and a girl doin’ somethin’ if they both want it. We ain’t special, miss; we ain’t like the toffs. I see the way you and Mr. Knightly be lookin’ at each other. I say that if ye be feelin’ anything for Mr. Knightly like what I feels for Alfie, then I says ye need to stop thinkin’ like the squire’s daughter ye was raised as.”
    Claire stared down at her hands. Here she thought to give Lucy advice regarding Alfred, but instead her friend imparted some wisdom to her. It was true; she was no longer a squire’s daughter, no longer special. Perhaps it was time she stopped to holding to such illusions. Not give up everything completely, but merely alter her viewpoint slightly.
    All her life she had been raised to believe that purity was the highest commodity a woman could have. Yet as Lucy just pointed out, she was no longer in the class of people who held firmly to that value. Was this possible? Could she actually do this? What would she be risking?
    Her job. Her reputation. Even if she acknowledged that it was not as precious as it used to be, risking her reputation could have detrimental effects on the Governess Club’s future. She wasn’t naïve; she knew the risks. Becoming with child would seriously jeopardize the Club’s plans. She would not be able to remain with her friends, not if they were to have any chance of success. Could she risk the hopes, the ambitions, the future of her friends?
    “Miss,” Lucy caught her attention. “Yer thinkin’ too much about it.”
    Claire raised her eyes to Lucy’s. “There is so much at risk.”
    Lucy smiled sympathetically and shrugged. “Only in yer head, Miss. And if somethin’ does happen, well, ye figger it out then.”
    Claire bit her lips, still uncertain.
    Lucy patted her hands. “I knows some ways to help his seed from catchin’ ye, if ye’d like me ta tell ye. They may not be perfect, but they help.”
    After only a brief hesitation, Claire nodded and silently said goodbye to her former self.
    E ntering the assembly room, the servants from Aldgate Hall were greeted with stuffy air and the scent of sweat. Dancing had already started; flushed faces were testament to the heat, exertion and excitement. The sight and noise was unlike anything one would see in a London ballroom; there, ennui and detachment reigned, not this enthusiastic participation.
    Jacob turned to ask Claire to dance, only to find her being whisked away from the group by a fresh-faced fellow. He watched in disbelief as Claire laughed and smiled at the young man. An uncomfortable annoyance began to build in his stomach as Jacob continued to watch the man with his— his —Claire. He didn’t even look like a fully grown man, more of a boy trying to look like a man, with slicked-back hair and tight cravat. He doubted the boy was even old enough to shave; there were still spots on his face, for Christ’s sake. Why would Claire consent to dance with him, let alone smile at him in such a way?
    A tug on his sleeve managed to pull his attention away from the dance floor. Lucy raised her eyebrows at the ferocity of his glare when it was turned on her. She gave him a lopsided smile. “C’mon Mr. Knightly. Dance wit’ me instead of

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