The Giving Season

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Book: The Giving Season by Rebecca Brock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Brock
Tags: Romance
that other shoe she’d been expecting, and it packed a wallop.
    Michael stepped out of the kitchen, his expression neutral. He dried his hand on a dishtowel and slung it over his shoulder, a muscle in his jaw twitching as he stared at Ann.
    But Ann wasn’t aware of Michael just yet. Her smile had frozen on her lips as she fixed on Jessy, a strained politeness that didn’t quite mask the unpleasant look in her eyes.
    Jessy managed to smile pleasantly back to her. After all, just because the woman was beautiful didn’t necessarily mean she’d be judgmental. Jessy always hated it when people made assumptions about her personality just because of the way she looked; she could at least extend that same courtesy to Ann. Even if she was Michael’s ex.
    Then in the next instant Jessy was dismissed from Ann’s attention as she knelt to scoop Ben into a bear hug. “Look at you, Benny-boy!” Ann laughed as she picked Ben up and squeezed him. “You’re getting so big! And Marie—you’re getting prettier and prettier every time I see you!”
    Libby joined them, smiling brightly. “Hi, Mom!”
    Ann’s reaction to her oldest daughter stunned Jessy. The smile slid away, replaced by disappointment. “Oh, Libby—you promised me you’d lose some weight!”
    Jessy inhaled sharply, offended on Libby’s behalf. The girl’s smile dropped instantly, the pain in her eyes obvious to everyone in the room but Ann. Michael stepped out of the kitchen doorway and went to his daughter’s rescue.
    “It might be nice to say hello to your daughter before you start criticizing her,” he said quietly.
    “Hello, Mike.” Ann’s voice, husky yet soft, seemed inordinately loud in the quiet of the room. The affection in it sent an unpleasant shiver of premonition down Jessy’s spine. “I’ve missed you.”
    Ann suddenly blinked, catching herself after an obvious moment of hesitation, all the better to allow the full impact of her slip of the tongue to hit home. “And the kids,” she added feebly. “ All of you. Even Mom.”
    “I’m not your mother, Ann.” Lyssa stood and walked out of the room, surprising Jessy with her abrupt coldness. She looked back to Ann just in time to see her roll her eyes impatiently.
    And at that moment, Jessy instantly knew what kind of woman Ann was.
    “It’s been too long,” Ann said, gaze softening as she smiled wistfully. “I can only stay for dinner, unfortunately. I have to get back to Chicago to interview the mayor and—” She sighed, still smiling. “And never mind all that right now. It’s just good to be home.”
    “This hasn’t been your home for a few years now,” Michael said mildly, leaning against the back of a chair. “Or have you forgotten?”
    “I could never forget you. Or the kids.”
    Jessy had never felt so conspicuous, so overwhelmingly out of place, in her entire life. She forced herself to stand her ground, to at least have the dignity to act unaffected by the entire show. She had the distinct feeling that Ann was marking territory, letting her know exactly where she stood in the grand scheme of things. And for some reason, that triggered a stubborn streak that Jessy hadn’t realized she’d possessed. If this was going to be a battle of wills, then damned if she’d be the one to break first.
    “I didn’t expect you to have company, Michael.” Ann’s voice was as annoyingly insincere as her smile.
    “Jessy’s a friend,” Michael said quietly. “Jessy, this is Ann Forrester—my ex-wife.”
    “Dating so soon?” Ann’s smile was venomous, not quite making its way up to her eyes. “She doesn’t seem to be your type, sweetie.”
    Jessy managed a pained smile. She couldn’t ever remember disliking someone quite so much on just a first impression.
    Lyssa came out of the kitchen with dessert—a tray filled with pies and cakes—and, with a cool glance in Ann’s direction, placed it on the table and left the room. Ann’s smiling mask slipped as she watched

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