The Gift From Poseidon: When Gods Walked Among Us (Volume 2)

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Book: The Gift From Poseidon: When Gods Walked Among Us (Volume 2) by J. A. Ginegaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. A. Ginegaw
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to keep out the sea split the Pillars of Fire into two nearly equal halves of three volcanoes apiece.  It was here, between the two largest volcanoes, where Penelope moved her eyes and gasped in awe.  A colossal dam eight warships wide spanned this major pass and, as if by magic, a spectacular waterfall now flowed in front of the dam.  Always monitored, this steady stream of water could be shut off quickly and redirected whenever needed.
    At least, that is what the Centaurs had always claimed.
    Built many centuries earlier, brass levers and pumps controlled the water levels behind the dam.  Aside from these, this dearly needed wonder was made entirely of granite blocks.  Just over halfway up, dozens of evenly spaced exits pushed excess water out and through its thick wall.  The brilliant result was this majestic waterfall whose sweeping waves fell into a smaller, much shallower dam below.
    The dam was splendid, but four massive monuments that returned Penelope’s awed gaze as if alive were divine.  In pairs, each bookended the dam and were made of just as much marble as granite.
    On her left and to the dam’s eastern side rose up two statues: an Arachna Majora and a Centaur.  The Arachna in full battle armor stood as one normally does, but the Centaur did not.  With a bow in one hand and a loaded arrow in the other, it reared back on its hind legs and the hooves of its front ones pointed forward.
    At the dam’s western side towered two more monuments: a Mermaid flanked by a Gryphon.  The Mermaid balancing on the bottom third of its tail, its chin was stronger than the stone it was made from, and it clutched a trident in its left hand.  The wings of the Gryphon pulled in, its scowl was fully unfurled.  Same as Judiascar, this one also wore Semitius’ war helmet, but its helmet was made of carved stone, not of bronze and gold.  The Centaur and Mermaid monuments had been built closest to the falls.
    Trumpets and cheers from every corner of the arena suddenly rang out.  Penelope swung around.  As if countless bolts of lightning made their way through every beating heart, an energy she found nearly impossible to believe now wrapped itself around the stadium.  Each nation had already led its respective delegation into the arena and the receiving line was nearly finished.
    The formality of the morning ready to give way to an afternoon of savagery, the best, most brutal part of the festival – the ancient game of Harpastum – would soon begin.

Chapter Four

    My quiver loaded, the arrows it carries are tipped with the poison of my sharpened tongue.  As if I am the Minotaur who stalks the Great Gorge, this quiver also knows no bottom.  My arrows, however, are not made to kill as those of the monster are, but to shame.  Without mercy, I will fling my insults at the brashest of Centaurs who deserves them most.  You will plead for me to stop, but I will not.  Harpastum a game to all others; I will use its field to hunt you, the other players to hide me in their shadows, my armor to smash you, my will to break you.  Do not dare doubt it, spoiled dunce – I AM COMING!
    – Viracocha, Olmec Centaur
    – End of Summer, Year 4,236 KT [4]

Massive roars erupted from above as the time drew near for the blackened bronze and polished bronze teams to take the field.  Nearly all of Terra Australis had packed themselves into the arena.  As Centaurs, Gryphons, and Arachna played Harpastum for only a handful of weeks every other year, this was most certainly a grand event.  Below the arena’s surface weaved a series of tunnels and rooms for players to prepare and they now did so.
    Caparisons too bulky, Centaurs wore a tunic and tight wrap around their back end.  Cloaks and backend wraps worn as well when in public, Gryphons wore neither when playing Harpastum.  Arachna, of course, did not wear clothes as their hairy bodies covered them properly enough.  Deep in thought, every player put on full

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