left his son, Halo, with his misfortune, inquiring no further. Niac then announced that he would thus praise his son Marr for the bounty of his beasts. At this, Halo fled to his ruined fields, and wept bitterly.
God, seeing the sorrow of Halo, spoke to the beautiful and innocent Aliesha through her reflection in a stream. As Aliesha sat by the streambed, washing her hair, she saw her reflection in the water illuminate, and a voice spoke to her, asking her to seek out the pitiable Halo and to console him in his grief. Aliesha, though she dearly wished to help Halo in his misery, was afraid that if her husband were to discover her, he would visit further ruin on both of them. She thus asked her reflection if one from the blessed realm might be chosen, for she knew that the sorrow of Halo was so great that only the music of heaven could restore his weeping soul. She then noticed in the reflection of the water an angel bearing a large golden harp. As she lifted her eyes upward, the harpist descended on translucent wings, to land before Aliesha. Knowing that she and Halo shared a bond, but not able to go to him, she anointed the harpist in her own perfume and pedals.
So the harpist, upon revealing itself to Aliesha and receiving her anointing, was sent by God to alleviate the woes of Halo. As the harpist approached Halo he began to sing and strum his harp, creating beautiful music that washed over Halo, so that he instantly forgot all his misfortune. The harpistâs voice surpassed the music of his harp, filling Halo with joy. Halo fell immediately in love with the harpist. Aliesha, viewing thepair from a distance, saw the care disappear from Haloâs face, to be replaced with elation, and was herself happy that her gifts and that of Godâs messenger were so well received.
Meanwhile, from the feast, Marr listened to Haloâs joy-filled voice, speaking to the harpist, and heard faintly the plucking of a harp. Coming upon the pair in Haloâs field, Marr could only hear the voice of his brother, while that of the harpist remained silent. He drew very near to the harpist, hoping to hear even a whisper, but none was forthcoming, for the ears of sinners could not hear the spiritual words that came from Godâs emissaries, their ears having been deafened by sin. Just as a river is dammed by a build-up of wood and stone, so does sin block the most beautiful music from the ears of sinners.
Nevertheless, Marr was eager for the praise of this handsome harpist, believing still that Marr himself was most worthy of all praise for his bounty. He stood and announced his station before the harpist, thinking this would prompt the harpist to laud him. But the harpist made no sound, even ceasing his dextrous strumming on his harp. Marr again attempted to solicit the harpistâs praise, describing his accomplishments, and all the wealth and plenty he raised, but it was to no effect. Feeling defeated and angered by this anonymous harpist, Marr swore before God, his wife Aleisha, and all of mankind that if no song or music was heard from this harpist at his fatherâs feast that Marr himself would slay the harpist.
Marr then advanced on the harpist, attempting to force him back to the feast sothat he may perform in praise of Marr. In desperation, Halo cried out in Godâs name, beseeching the heavenly Lord to save the harpist. God heard his cries, and through one of his heavenly servants, spoke to Halo. God spoke unto Halo and told him to pull from his plants and flowers all that was necessary to build a wreath, that this completed wreath would signal the completion of Haloâs union with the harpist. Upon gathering the plants and flowers, he need only encircle the harpist and himself in the wreath, and lay a kiss upon his beloved harpist before sleeping. With the sealing of their lips, God would seal their union and ensure their eternal protection.
Halo, upon receiving these instructions, made no delay in carrying
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