The First Book of Lost Swords - Woundhealer's Story

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Book: The First Book of Lost Swords - Woundhealer's Story by Fred Saberhagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fred Saberhagen
able to hear hers.
           If only he had been able to tell old Karel about her. Karel could have helped him in this search … but no, that wouldn’t have been right. Because no one else was meant to find her, only he, Zoltan. A deeper understanding of that point was slowly growing in him. And he was going to find her, now. She couldn’t be that far ahead of him.
           Zoltan went on. Always forward, always beside the rushing, babbling stream, and down.
           Presently he came to a place where the stream was behaving queerly. First, without any apparent cause, there were wide swirls across its surface. And then came a much more serious departure from the normal. The whole baby river meandered for several meters sideways across a slope, a steep place where it should have plunged straight down. Staring at this phenomenon, Zoltan pulled out his dagger and looked about him suspiciously. But then he felt foolish and put the useless knife back into its sheath. Probably one of Karel’s elemental had really taken shape two days ago and still existed in the form of this disturbance.
           Ordinarily Zoltan would have been fascinated and somewhat frightened on encountering this phenomenon. Now it made little impression, except that thinking of the elemental recalled Karel once again to Zoltan’s thoughts. But there was some reason, some important reason, why he should not even think of Karel now…
           Anyway, it was more enjoyable by far to think about the girl. To speculate on why she had signaled to him so enticingly, and what secrets—and perhaps other things—she might have to share with him when he had won this game by catching up with her. Zoltan no longer supposed that she might be a prisoner of the bandits, or really in need of rescue. She was just being playful with him, that was it.
           There were things about that explanation that puzzled him—but somehow it would be inappropriate for him to think of puzzling things just now. Now was a time for action.
           He had followed the stream yet a little farther—just how far was not important—when he actually caught a glimpse of the girl again, her head and arms and part of her upper body. This time she was trying to hide from him among the intertwined branches of two fallen trees, right at the water’s edge, and holding herself so still that for a long moment or two he could not be sure that he was really seeing her at all. And when, without shifting his gaze away for even so long as a heartbeat, Zoltan had come right up to the place, still by some enchantress’s cunning she had managed to slip away, so cleverly that Zoltan had never seen her go. All he could think of was that she must have let herself slide into the water and drift away, gliding downstream beneath the surface.
           And then he found one of her garments. The girl must have discarded it when she plunged into the water. But, when Zoltan came up to it and took hold of the fabric, it turned into brown moss in his fingers. Moss, grown long and tinged with gray, as if it had been growing here upon this log and rock for years. But though the cloth was no more than moss when he touched it, and seemed to be fastened in place, Zoltan could not be fooled.
           The trouble, he decided, was that he simply wasn’t moving fast enough to catch her.
           Having reached this conclusion, he began to leap and run. All went well for a little while. Then halfway through a steep descent he slipped, stepping on a slippery, angled rock, and fell, striking his chest on another flat rock with a thud that sent a shock of pain all through his rib cage. The breath was knocked clean out of him before he splashed into the next pool down. If the pool had been much larger he might have drowned. As it was, the rushing water deposited him like driftwood upon a narrow fringe of beach.
           It seemed like a long time to Zoltan, lying in the

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