The Fairy Tales Collection

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Book: The Fairy Tales Collection by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
perk.  Last week she had been positive that he
was attracted to her but now doubt was creeping in.  Would he be so obviously
avoiding her if he was?
    No, she decided, he wouldn’t.  She sighed
again before unzipping her hoodie and tugging it off.  It left her in just a
thin tank top which wasn’t exactly work appropriate but it was hot in the
library and besides, Bennett wasn’t around.
    Your nearly twenty-year crush on a guy
you met once is kind of ridiculous.  You know that, right?
    Yeah, she did.  But dammit, did he have to
grow up to be so damn big and handsome?  She was itching to touch him and to
taste him.  The idea that he would feel the same way about her just because he
had looked at her once in a way that suggested he might want to lick her all
over was ridiculous.
    She stretched again and then froze when there
was a sharp inhale behind her.  She turned around and butterflies flickered to
life in her stomach when she saw Bennett standing in the library.
    “Hi,” she said as his gaze drifted down her
body.  She crossed her arms nervously over her torso and glanced at the hoodie
she had draped across the table.  “I didn’t hear you come in.”
    He strode forward, the floor shook lightly
beneath his feet, and she twitched in surprise when he grasped her upper arms
and gently turned her around.
    “Bennett, what – “
    Her voice died out when he traced the top
of the four ragged scars on her upper back.
    “Mirabelle, I’m so sorry,” he whispered. 
His deep voice scraped along her nerve endings, making them sing with
    “It’s not your fault,” she said.
    “Are they painful?”  He asked as she
shivered delicately.
    “N-no,” she stuttered.  “They’re just kind
of ugly.”
    “Nothing about you is ugly,” he murmured.
    She couldn’t stop the soft moan when she
felt his lips brush against the scarring on her back.  His hands grasped the edge
of her tank top and she cleared her throat nervously.
    “Bennett, what are you doing?”
    “Lift your arms.  I want to see all of it,”
he said in a softly-demanding voice.
    Like a woman in a dream, she raised her
arms and allowed him to pull the tank top over her head.  He dropped it to the
floor and she dug her fingers into the window sill in front of her.  She could
see his reflection in the window and she watched as a look of sorrow crossed
his face.
    “Bennett, it’s fine,” she whispered. 
    “This is my fault.”
    “It isn’t,” she insisted.  “Don’t think
that – oh my God.”
    His fingers had flicked open the clasps of
the pale pink bra she was wearing and she automatically clamped her hands over
her breasts as the fabric loosened.  He dipped his head and she arched her back
when he licked the length of one scar.  The scars ran from her upper back to
the waistband of her pants and she didn’t object when he placed one arm around
her waist and drew her back against him before licking a second scar.  His
t-shirt was warm from the sun and he smelled so good, she felt nearly faint
from his closeness.  His hand curled around her hip and held her firmly as he
placed a row of soft kisses across the top of her shoulder.
    “Bennett, please,” she whispered before
turning her head to stare at his mouth.  His eyes darkened until they were
almost black and she made a soft pleading noise.  He bent his head and pressed
his mouth against hers.  She was surprised by his gentleness.  She wasn’t
exactly sure what she had expected but it wasn’t this feather-light touch of
his warm lips against hers.  She parted her lips eagerly and he brushed the tip
of his tongue against her upper lip like he was tasting her.  Even that light
touch was enough to set her on fire and she ground her ass shamelessly against
his growing erection.
    She licked his lip in return and he growled
softly against her mouth before sliding his tongue between her lips to dart and
flick lightly at hers.  She moaned again and

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