The Doctor's Society Sweetheart

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Book: The Doctor's Society Sweetheart by Lucy Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Clark
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different worlds.
    The next morning, he was woken by the sounds of tinkling laughter and as he pulled on some clothes, stepping over Rick and Gloria who were still sleeping, Dart headed outside to greet the new day.
    Thoughts of a blue eyed beauty with long flowing auburn hair had flooded his dreams, causing him to wake frequently, thoughts of what it might be like to press his lips to hers, wondering if she’d taste as good as she looked. He wasn’t usually a man who was attracted to the outside package but he had to admit that Emerson-Rose was easily one of the most stunningly beautiful women he’d ever seen. Therefore, he’d rationalised, it was only natural that he might be attracted to such a woman—as was every other man.
    Somewhere around two o’clock, he’d given up on sleepingand insisted on relieving Tarvon for a few hours. Monitoring a patient was far better than tossing and turning and being unable to control his thoughts. By the time Tarvon returned, just before six o’clock, Weyakku was stable and improving nicely. Dart had returned to the hut, intending to rest his eyes for half an hour, but had obviously fallen asleep as the time was now just after eight.
    The sound of the laughter came again and he knew instinctively that it was hers—Emerson’s. He headed to the food hut and found her seated next to Belhara, smiling brightly, her eyes sparkling with laughter and delight at whatever it was the anaesthetist had just said.
    Jalak, Hunklu and Sue were also in the food hut, everyone wearing smiles. Emerson’s TV crew was sitting and eating and where Dart was usually up before the sun, he found that he felt a little odd and a bit left out, walking into the hut so late.
    ‘Hello sleepyhead,’ Sue said in the form of a greeting. ‘I hear Weyakuu is improving?’
    ‘Have you checked with Tarvon this morning?’ he asked Sue.
    Sue stood from her seat, next to Emerson-Rose, and carried her plate to the wash basin. ‘I looked in earlier. I’m just on my way to relieve him. Take a seat.’ Sue indicated the spot she’d just vacated. ‘Eat.’
    Dart smiled politely and realised there were no other vacant seats in the hut except for the one next to Emerson. It would be churlish to refuse to sit so close to the woman who had filled his night with such vivid thoughts.
    Careful to avoid unnecessary contact, Dart manoeuvred himself onto the long bench seat between Emerson and Mike. Belhara offered him a plate of fruit, which he gratefully accepted. Dart ignored the way her sweet scent wound around him and he most definitely ignored the way the brief touchof her smooth legs against his hairy ones ignited the dying embers of the dreams he was trying to forget.
    He just needed to act as if this was any other day, focus his thoughts on eating and at the first opportunity excuse himself. Thankfully, though, the conversation resumed and as he ate, Dart learned the reason why he’d woken to Emerson’s laughter. Belhara had been regaling her with stories from his boyhood when he’d often swing on vines into the waterhole that wasn’t too far from here.
    ‘I’d love to see it. We should definitely get some footage of such a place,’ Emmy said, desperately trying not to notice the warmth radiating from Dart as he sat close beside her. She could have cheerfully kicked Sue when the woman had offered Dart her seat. Emmy hadn’t slept very well last night yet it had had nothing to do with being in a different country, or the fact that this was her first overseas piece for the network.
    Her lack of sleep could be put down to one particular person—Dartagnan Freeman.
    Obviously her subconscious had been listening to her body, the two of them in cahoots regarding the attraction she felt for the tall, brooding surgeon. Her body had responded instantly to his closeness. His thigh almost pressing against hers and the fact that they both wore shorts, due to the early morning heat, meant that if she shifted even

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