The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
expression played across his handsome face.
What was he thinking?
    Why couldn't she just invite him in the
house and let tomorrow take care of itself? She was good at
that--taking one day at a time. But somehow, she didn't think it
would work in this situation. Guarding her heart was paramount.
    "I didn't come to town to seduce you into
bed," he said. "I came home for my mother's birthday."
    Jessie's legs trembled. She grabbed hold of
his forearms, feeling the strong tendons beneath her sensitive
fingers, the roughness of the hair covering his skin.
    The pressure on her shoulders increased, as
Cameron supported her weight. "I won't lie to you, Jess. You know I
want you. I wanted you the night of the prom. I want you now. But
you have a valid point. We don't know each other very well."
    Dropping his hands to his sides, he backed
away. Jessie stifled a moan and locked her knees in place, willing
them to keep her upright. Just ask him in, Jess. Don't think
about tomorrow.
    "Cameron?" Her voice sounded strange to her
ears; her pulse pounded in her throat. She was about to do
something totally against her nature. She couldn't let him walk
away forever. Not again.
    He raised an eyebrow in question, his eyes
dilating with desire. The force of the passion radiating between
them hit Jessie like a bowling ball crashing down an alley, laying
all the pins flat. Her lungs refused to operate and she gasped for
breath. One touch from him and she'd be flat on her back like those
pins, and to hell with tomorrow.
    Before she could speak, Cameron placed a
finger on her lips and shook his head. "No. You're right; we do
need to get better acquainted. I want to know you inside and out,
backward and forward, from the top of your head to the tips of your
toes. And everything in between."
    Jessie stood mesmerized by the subtle love
words and the light pressure of his finger on her lips. Her body
craved contact. She remembered the taste of his mouth and wanted to
taste it again. Good grief, the man was lethal.
    "I won't be here very long," he said. "Let's
go out tomorrow night. No pressure, just go out and have fun. You
can catch me up on things here, and I'll tell you about Houston and
my practice."
    Jessie smiled. "You really do enjoy being a
doctor, don't you? You had it all planned out when you were young
and you made it happen." She hadn't been part of his plans back
then. Last night, he'd said he'd almost changed them because of
her. Somehow she didn't really believe him.
    "Yes, I love being a doctor," he said. "What
about tomorrow night, Jess?"
    "Where would we go?" She was stalling for
time because she wasn't certain where this would lead, how it would
end. He wanted her in bed and she wanted him. But then what? He'd
return to Houston, she'd be in Salt Fork . . . she'd been through
it all before.
    "How about Billie G's?" he said. "We could
have a few beers. Play some pool."
    Jessie shook her head. The honky-tonk up on
the Caprock was popular, but not one of her favorite places. "I
don't drink much, and I've never really liked pool."
    "Then how about a movie?" Cameron wanted to
spend time with Jessie and not just in bed. The more he saw of her,
the more he realized how much he'd missed by leaving all those
years ago. He traced his fingers along Jessie's jaw, over her
collarbone, down her arm.
    She shuddered deliciously beneath his touch.
Cameron dropped his hand to his side when she stepped away. He
forced himself not to grab her and kiss her till she moaned.
    "The closest theater is in Cactus Gap,
remember?" Jessie swiped her hair back from her face. Cameron
wanted to bury his hands in the silky threads. He wanted to bury
himself inside her body.
    Taking a deep breath, he tried to
concentrate on her words instead of the husky tone of her voice.
"Right. Cactus Gap's fifty miles away."
    "Afraid your car won't make it that far?"
Her green eyes widened as soon as the words left her mouth. She'd
set herself up and knew it.
    Cameron grinned. "No

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