The Demon Deception
references, and it
didn’t pay to advertise too much, anyway.
    Lazarus shrugged, “Yeah, after that incident
in California, I had some things I had to track down.”
    Sam continued making sandwiches. He tore off
a corner from the processed American cheese slice and dropped it on
the floor. Mooch quickly gobbled it up, and began mewing for more.
Sam pulled down another paper plate and made an additional
sandwich. His hands looked huge. The muscular slabs manipulated ham
and cheese onto the wheat bread. He pulled out tomato and lettuce
and put that on both as well. He placed the sandwiches on the
table. He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out two
Labatt’s Canadian Ales. He held them up, the question on his face.
Lazarus nodded.
    Sam popped the tops on the bottles by setting
them against the counter, and hitting the top of the bottle. He set
a beer next to each sandwich. Sam motioned and Lazarus moved to the
chair indicated and sat down. He watched as Sam sat down. Sam wiped
the straight, thick, black bangs from his face, which immediately
fell back into place.
    Sam picked up a sandwich, and motioned for
Lazarus to do the same. Lazarus joined him. They bit into the
sandwiches. Mooch was trying to find a way up to the top of the
table to join them. Sam chewed and swallowed, following the bite
with a drink of beer. Lazarus pinched off the corners of his cheese
and fed them to Mooch.
    Sam spoke, “So, let me get this clear. You
left me in the mountains after we killed thirty lycans, and
destroyed an entire vampire coven, because you had to track down
some things?”
    Lazarus continued to chew slowly. The
mayonnaise was spicy. He didn’t say anything, knowing that Sam
would have to get this out of his system.
    Sam took another drink, then put the beer
down, “Do you know the crap I had to go through to get out of
California without being arrested for the war that you drug me
into? They take a very dim view of citizens with firearms in that
    Lazarus nodded, “Yeah, unless you’re a pot
grower, then you get a slap on the wrist. Still, you have to admit,
it was fun killing a bunch of hippies.”
    Sam thought about it, and a calm smile slowly
spread across his face. The crags and sharp angles disappeared for
a moment while he contemplated the hippies and yippies that he
killed in the mountains of Cali. They were no longer human of
course, demonically possessed. Every one of them had damned
themselves for power. He’d really enjoyed killing the director and
two producers from Hollywood. They’d been responsible for screwing
up one of his favorite book series when they brought it to the
silver screen. That had definitely been a bonus.
    Sam nodded, and pointed at Lazarus’ chest
with a finger the size of a kielbasa, “Okay, you got a point there.
But I had to take the most god awful back roads to get the hell out
of California before they put me into prison. I really didn’t want
to be caught with M4s and .45s. Plus, God help me, I had lead
ammunition. They’d have thrown me in with gen pop, and I don’t fit
in with any of the big gangs. I’d of had to kill a lot of people to
stay alive.”
    Lazarus took another bite, and drank some
beer, “Naw, I wouldn’t have let it get that far. I would have
killed you before you had to worry about anything like that. I
wouldn’t let you suffer. Besides, they probably would have given
you the death penalty for the lead ammunition.” Lazarus took
another bite, chewed, and swallowed, “I had faith that you’d get
away. You’re capable. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have been
working with me, choir boy.”
    Sam’s chewing slowed as he contemplated what
Lazarus had just told him. If anybody could kill him in gen pop and
not get caught, it was Lazarus. He spent seven years watching and
helping Lazarus kill monsters before Cali. The man had skills honed
by two thousand years of hard use. Two thousand years of muscle
memory was an amazing thing.
    Sam was good at

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